The Limited Times

"Checked and Travel" Complexes in the Arab Sector Launched | Israel today

3/30/2020, 4:49:11 PM

Mass diagnosis of corona virus infection began in the Arava in Wadi Ara and expand to other communities in the sector • Third: Tamra Health

Mass Diagnosis of Corona Infectious Diseases Started in Arara in Wadi Ara and Expand to Additional Localities in the Sector • MK Ahmed Tibi: "The low number of carriers in the sector is due to a severe shortage of tests in relation to the Jewish sector"

MDA's "test and travel" compound for diagnosis is contracted in Corona in the Arab sector began operating on the outskirts of the Arara settlement in Wadi Ara. The complex, which will operate as a mobile complex, will be located daily in another Arab community with the aim of reaching thousands of Arab-sector residents who do not live in major cities and mixed cities, where such complexes are already operating.

The complex set up in Arara will reach Tamra on Tuesday, and in the following days additional Arab communities in the Western Galilee, Triangle, Jerusalem and the Negev. The establishment of the mobile complex was made possible after an urgent meeting attended by the chairman of the joint list faction in the Knesset Ahmed Tibi, other representatives on the list, MDA Director General Eli Bean, Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman and other senior members of the health system.

Senior officials in the Arab sector told Israel Today that hundreds of civilians were being examined in the complex that opened in Arara, for which a summons had been sent to arrive and be examined. It is estimated that within a week, thousands of citizens will be numbered in the sector through the "Check and Travel" station.

Tibi, who visited the compound, welcomed the move, but stressed that it was only a preliminary step and that tens of thousands of additional tests were needed, as well as the flow of financial aid and appropriate medical aids to local clinics in the Arab communities, including respirators, masks and protective equipment.

"The fact that so far a few dozen individual Corona patients have been diagnosed in the Arab sector is not because we have different genes than the rest of the population," said Tibi. "The poor diagnosis of Arab subjects is due to a severe shortage of tests performed on the Jewish sector. Unfortunately, only after heavy pressure "A health check-and-go station has been opened at the Health Ministry to operate in the sector and redirect resources to the Arab communities. Although this is a welcome step, it is still too little and not enough. We all hope it is not too late," Tibi concluded.