The Limited Times

Africa - Exhortation to the world, 'stay home' on the pyramid of Cheops

3/31/2020, 8:15:32 PM

March 31 © ANSA

Egypt has made available one of the most famous and prestigious surfaces in the world, a face of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, to project a play of light that asks much of the globe to "stay home" because of the coronavirus.
On the perfectly squared limestone boulders that rise for about 140 meters in what is the only one of the seven wonders of the ancient world that has come down to the present day, green laser lights have written in English and Arabic the now classic exhortations of this covid-19 emergency: "stay home" and "stay safe".
Down below, however, in blue, it also stood out "thanks to those who keep us safe". As pointed out by the Egyptian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Khalid al-Anani, this thanksgiving projected on the famous red illuminated triangular surface was addressed to all health professionals who are risking their lives in the world to treat patients with coronavirus.
The pyramid, the largest of the three that make up the Giza complex built between 2600 and 2500 before Christ (4th dynasty), covers 5 hectares, the sides measure about 230 meters and the angles are perfectly oriented according to the cardinal points.
Egypt, by imposing, among other things, an evening and night curfew and blocking of airports, is curbing the spread of covid-19 in a "reassuring" way, as President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi argued: Monday's budget was 656 infections and 41 deaths in a country with almost one hundred million inhabitants.