The Limited Times

Corona residents tell about living in hotels | Israel today

3/31/2020, 10:06:31 PM


Orr and Haram went to a surrogacy in the US, which they had to stop following the epidemic • When they returned they found out they were sick - and recently split • So how do you maintain optimism?

  • Orr Olal and his partner Haram Aviram

Confectioner Or Ben Oliel, 31, from Tel Aviv, who traveled with his partner in favor of a surrogacy procedure in San Francisco, returned to Israel a few weeks ago following the outbreak of the plague worldwide. After returning, he became patient number 140, and his partner Hartham Aviram is a 143 patient who has recovered in the meantime.

Ben Oliel is currently at the Dan Panorama Hotel in Tel Aviv and despite the isolation and split from his partner, after being together for two weeks at Kaplan Hospital, he wants to see things in a positive light - "People here are not as sad as they seem. There's a good vibe here. "

He also told Israel Today that "yesterday I met patient # 3,400 yesterday. We had a funny conversation about the whole situation. We deal with a lot of humor. The hotel and the Home Front Command welcomed me and I did not feel like a patient who did not want to approach him."

Ben Oliel explains that after being admitted to the hospital, the transfer to the hotel is a gift: "From the first moment I felt really comfortable here. The private room, which has a balcony with a sea view, the invested food we receive, the box room, the snooker and the lectures we get - all prove That was a great thought for the patients here. It's lovely. "

At the same time, Aviram (33) is sitting in the house of Haram waiting for the recovery of light. Hartham, in his profession Pilot, says that "The day of our split was a hard day. Because we were big on the Corona trip together. Even after 7 years of maternity, we went out of the joint hospitalization to get to know each other even more and we experienced a lot," Aviram shares.

56-year-old Meryl Jacobs, the 94th Corona patient in Israel, is one of the first Corona sands to enter the Dan Panorama Recovery Hotel in Tel Aviv. Jacobs returned on March 9 from a family visit to New York and the next day underwent a positive corona test.

"There are families and patients here from the age of one month to the age of 75. I feel that the state is doing its best for the Corona patients. The idea of ​​the Corona Hotel is right for me and the aim is to protect the environment and to take care of us."

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