The Limited Times

Coronavirus: CGT Commerce complaints against Carrefour and Pénicaud

3/31/2020, 2:39:37 PM

The group was accused by the union of "involuntary damage to life" and "endangering the lives of others". The Minister is implicated for "inaction".

The CGT Commerce announced that it had filed a complaint Tuesday against Carrefour at the Bobigny court and against the Minister of Labor Muriel Pénicaud before the Court of Justice of the Republic, finding that the employees of the distribution lacked protection against the coronavirus.

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The federation files a complaint against the company Carrefour Hypermarkets for " involuntary damage to life " and " endangering the life of others " in the Saint-Denis store, where an employee and CGT union delegate, Aïcha Issadouene, died following Covid-19 on March 26, according to the letter sent to the court and consulted by AFP.

The CGT claims that the plexiglass windows protecting the cashiers were not put in place until March 20 in this establishment, that the staff did not receive masks and that all the shelves are open to the public, and not the only departments corresponding to essential purchases.

On the other hand, the union is suing the Minister of Labor Muriel Pénicaud, accused of " inaction " in the face of " breaches of employers in the distribution and mass distribution sector, before the applications commission of the Court of Justice of the Republic. " The minister " never intended to intervene effectively with her administration to ensure the health and safety of employees ," according to the letter sent to the Court.

The union is based on article 223-6 of the Penal Code (" Anyone who can prevent by his immediate action, without risk to him or to third parties, either a crime or an offense against the bodily integrity of the person s 'willfully failing to do so is punishable by 5 years' imprisonment of a fine of 75,000 euros ').

The CGT also cites article 223-7: " Anyone who voluntarily refrains from taking or causing measures which, without risk for him or for third parties, can combat a disaster likely to create a danger for the safety of persons is punished by 2 years' imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros ”.

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According to the union, " the employees of our sectors pay the high price for the inaction of the government and the employers, five deaths recorded to date, several hundreds of contaminated employees, including some in critical situations ".