The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Consultique helps Cesvi

3/31/2020, 2:39:43 PM

Consultique SCF has joined Opstart, Turbo Crowd, Ener2Crowd and Gimme5 in fundraising for Cesvi, the humanitarian organization founded in Bergamo and active for over thirty years all over the world, with the aim of supporting the most hit by ... © ANSA


(ANSA) - ROME, MARCH 31 - Consultique SCF has joined Opstart, Turbo Crowd, Ener2Crowd and Gimme5 in fundraising for Cesvi, the humanitarian organization founded in Bergamo and for over thirty years worldwide, with the aim to support the areas most affected by the Coronavirus-related emergency.
Most of the funds will be donated to the Hospital of Bergamo Papa Giovanni XXIII, to strengthen the intensive care, while a small percentage will be used to implement "Veniamo noi da te", a home care project for the elderly in the cities of Bergamo and Milan.
"We have decided to intervene in support of this important initiative because, since always, we believe that personal commitment, as free citizens and entrepreneurs, is crucial and indispensable for the resolution of any problem," said Cesare Armellini, CEO of the company. "I sincerely thank the friends of Opstart who have involved in the project and the non-profit foundation Cesvi, which will take care of its realization", he concluded. (ANSA).