The Limited Times

Electricity bill in home office too high? You save a lot of money with these tricks

3/31/2020, 3:03:43 PM

Many people work in the home office because of the corona virus. The electricity bill can skyrocket. You can save money with the following tips.

Many people work in the home office because of the corona virus. The electricity bill can skyrocket. You can save money with the following tips.

  • Many people work from home because of the coronavirus pandemic .
  • This can lead to unforeseen costs.
  • You can avoid high electricity bills with the following tricks.

Due to the coronavirus crisis *, many people work in the home office. This has at least one advantage : travel costs and money for the canteen can be saved. On the other hand, new costs arise, which you notice at the latest when you look at your electricity bill.

This is how much money it costs to work in your home office

Working from home is often not as cheap * as it seems. To confirm this thesis, the energy experts from Verivox did a calculation and came up with the following results:

If you use a laptop , you have to pay about 15 cents a day in electricity costs. It gets a little more expensive with a real PC with monitor . Verivox then speaks of 50 cents a day , although the price can be higher if more devices are connected.

But there is good news: Charging the smartphone only costs half a cent with a three-hour charge. Cooking, on the other hand, can incur higher costs, because the experts quote 50 cents as the daily price if you run the middle hob of your cooker at top performance for one hour. However, all of these prices vary depending on which devices you use and for what period.

Also interesting : Armed against coronavirus - these money tricks make your life easier.

So you can save electricity and money in your home office

"The additional electricity costs from the home office are usually less than one euro per working day ," explains Valerian Vogel, energy expert at Verivox. Despite the supposedly low cost, you can save more money with a few tricks:

  • Switch off unused devices completely . That means not even letting them run in stand-by mode. If possible, completely disconnect them from the mains. Every watt saved can result in a cost reduction of around 2.60 euros per year.
  • Find alternatives for specific devices. If you use a dishwasher instead of washing by hand, you should save 130 euros in two runs per week. However, you save 10 euros a year if you heat your water with the kettle and do not use pots for it. You can also do without pots when it comes to cooking eggs. If you prepare four eggs four times a week, you can save 20 euros a year with an egg cooker.
  • Change the electricity provider . It is often worth checking whether there are cheaper offers. In the best case, you save several hundreds of euros a year.
  • Read also : Coronavirus - That is why the state could soon pay out money for shopping.

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    * is part of the nationwide central Ippen editorial network.