The Limited Times

New dates for the Tokyo Games: July 23-August 8 2021

3/31/2020, 2:39:49 PM

Officialized by the IOC after the postponement this year for coronavirus. Paralympics from August 24 to September 5 (ANSA)

The IOC and the local organizing committee have made official the new dates of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, which will be held practically exactly one year away from those postponed due to the coronavirus emergency. The new dates of the Games are from 23 July to 8 August 2021, while the Paralympic Games will be held from 24 August to 5 September.

The decision was made in a conference call between the main players of the Olympiad organization: IOC President Thomas Bach, Tokyo 2020 President Mori Yoshiro, Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko and Olympic and Paralympic Minister Hashimoto Seiko, who have agreed on the new program.

"I am confident that this unprecedented challenge can be faced. Humanity is currently in a dark tunnel: the Games can be a light at the end of this tunnel," Bach said.

"A certain period of time is needed for the selection and qualification of the athletes and for their preparation. Therefore, we felt it was better to reschedule the Games exactly one year from the expected time," said Yoshiro.

The organizing committee also announced that tickets will be refunded to those who are unable to watch the Games in 2021: "In principle - reads a note - we will work to ensure that the tickets already purchased are valid for the corresponding reprogrammed events. After setting the new dates, we plan to issue ticket refunds, upon request, to holders who will find it difficult or impossible to attend events due to the change of dates or places. "