The Limited Times

Renzi: 'Companies restart before Easter, schools in May and those with antibodies come out'

3/31/2020, 6:03:43 PM

The 10 ideas of the ex premier, from masks to tenders for restarting after the coronavirus (ANSA)

The ex premier Matteo Renzi in his enews launches a proposal on how to restart after the health emergency linked to the coronavirus.

These are " ten concrete ideas on HOW to start again ".

"We cannot remain closed at home for years but we must find a way to go out safely and work by respecting the rules. To do it well, we must avoid the mistakes made during the health emergency. And therefore we must organize and foresee, not just chasing. Because for me politics is a courageous proposal, not an exaggerated poll. Do criticize me, but at least confront each other on ideas! "

" Companies that have masks, protections and respect social distances can start again, even before Easter if they are ready. If they respect the rules, of course. And if they have all the devices. Among these companies I would love to have the real bookstores reopened and soul pharmacies. If they really don't want it before Easter, at least immediately after. "

" The schools have to start again in May , at least for the middle and high school classes. For the reopening, the screening of all the students and all the professors must be guaranteed. We must not surrender to the culture of the 6 politician but must be ensured to all the evaluation for the current year ".

" The reopening and the exit from the houses must take place in the days following Easter, perhaps on April 14 which is the Tuesday following Easter Monday. The children must have an hour of air immediately (also sign the petition proposed by two our young MPs, Marco Di Maio and Sara Moretto, who have taken up an idea launched by Minister Elena Bonetti). People over 70 will have to go out two weeks later. We will not have Easter with the grandparents, of course. grandparents themselves, not out of malice, it is clear ".

"While waiting for the restart, the state must pass a billion euros to the municipalities to put the streets in order and a billion euros to the local authorities to put the schools in order. Of course, in the construction sites, the full safety of the workers. The tenders must take place in one day and must relate to ready-made projects. Anci and Ance must be involved in this project with a strong impact on the lives of families and able to improve the quality of life for all of us and mitigate the collapse of GDP. ".

" The State must give guarantees to the Banks and the Banks must give immediately - without forms, without self-certification, without bureaucratic delays - a figure between 20 and 25% of the turnover of last year and this figure must be returned without interest, in 100 installments monthly, starting in 2022 ".

"The 120 billion Shock Plan which we have been talking about since November and which you will find here must start immediately. The infrastructures, public works, and even technological networks will guide the restart of Italy. Provided that they are carried out with commissioners, not with unbearable bureaucratic procedures After all, in Milan, coordinated by Guido Bertolaso, they made a hospital in 10 days. Those in difficulty must be helped by the third sector network, by the municipalities, by the subjects of the Alliance against poverty. only the extension of the redundancy fund but also the postponement of mortgages and taxes to be done automatically, without the need to bring forms on forms in the bank. Automation must be triggered, not authorization.

"In these days , Parliament must be fully operational , naturally in complete safety for all. And for this reason it is essential that any go-ahead for the traceability of health data passes by an explicit parliamentary vote, not by a government provision. And it is there must now be an explicit commitment to make a commission of inquiry into what has not worked, from the supply of the masks to short selling on the stock exchange, to the management of prisons in the days of the uprising ".

"Those who already have antibodies should be able to circulate freely . This applies to those who have recovered and are certified as double swabs. But also to those who have done the serological test and found that they have contracted Covid asymptomatically. According to a recent study English, these represent 10% of the population. It would mean that six million Italians have already had Covid and can go free. Mass screening is needed right away. "

I hope they do Eurobonds. But even if there are no Eurobonds, Europe will retain its importance for us intact. If there were no European Central Bank, Italy would be very close to default today.