The Limited Times

Minghi hospitalized, "but the virus has nothing to do"

4/1/2020, 3:43:06 PM

The heartfelt greeting to the fans, "the best medicine is your friendship, your support", but also the clarification: the coronavirus has nothing to do with it, "is false news, without foundation, I reserve the right to take action against those he wrote it. " (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, APRIL 01 - The heartfelt greeting to the fans, "the best medicine is your friendship, your support", but also the clarification: the coronavirus has nothing to do with it, "it is a false, baseless novelty, I reserve the right to take action against those who wrote it. " Face mask, AmedeoMinghi posted two videos on Facebook to make contact with his audience again, after a difficult period for his health that forced him to hospitalize in Rome.
"I find you with great pleasure, it's nice to be back on this page that you have loved so much," says Minghi, 72 years old, who performed at the last Sanremo festival in a duet with RitaPavone on the notes of 1950. "This video is above all to excuse me with you, for our dialogue interrupted so abruptly and for a long time ", he underlines with a tired voice.
"I hope you will come back numerous on this page," he adds tearfully. "I thank you for everything, in the hope of seeing you again, perhaps in ways different from the past. Good life, boys, and that it be in peace".
In another video the singer-songwriter then specifies that he is not affected by Covid 19: "They are all allegations. It is a news without any confirmation, tendentious, very dangerous, even for my family. I reserve the right steps to defend myself from this absurd thing. The mask should be worn perfectly. I have many small problems that are causing this inconvenience. I hope to recover my strength soon. " (HANDLE).