The Limited Times

Orban political case also in Italy. Ira Pd: 'Unacceptable'. Salvini defends him

4/2/2020, 4:03:33 PM

Started the attack after the choice of the Hungarian Prime Minister to avoke unlimited powers to fight the virus. Renzi: 'Change your mind or Hungary outside the EU' (ANSA)

Italy's decision to make full powers (including the possibility of closing Parliament) for the Coronavirus emergency becomes a political case for Italy too.

"I have been dreaming for years - says Matteo Renzi - of the United States of Europe. But for this very reason I have the right, and the duty, to say that after what Orban has done today, the European Union must beat it and make it change its mind Or, more simply, drive Hungary out of the Union. "

"The virus - comments the deputy secretary of the Democratic Party Andrea Orlando - has also made democracy sick in our continent. What is happening in these hours in Hungary is unacceptable. Europe must go back Orban, an authoritarian regime cannot do part of the Union. "

"First the full powers to Orban, friend of the sovereigns of our house, then the threats addressed to the opposition accused of being" on the side of the virus ". It cannot be kept silent if an EU member country gives in to the very serious drift of absolute powers to the Premier. The Hungarian institutions with their decision bring Europe back 80 years. The EU is not silent in the face of this decision which undermines principles that are the foundations of the European community ", so the MP said foreigners of the secretariat Pd Emanuele Fiano.

"Special powers in Orban to fight the virus vigorously? I respectfully greet the free choice of the Hungarian parliament (137 votes in favor and 53 against), democratically elected by the citizens. Good job - says the leader of the League Matteo Salvini - to his friend Victor Orban and good luck to all the people of Hungary in these difficult times for everyone ".