The Limited Times

"The Letter for the King": Will there be a second season of the fantasy series?

4/3/2020, 3:54:28 PM

Those looking for a new fantasy series after "The Witcher" will get their money's worth with "The Letter for the King". Is there a second season of Netflix production?

Those looking for a new fantasy series after "The Witcher" will get their money's worth with "The Letter for the King". Is there a second season of Netflix production?

  • The new series "The Letter for the King" has been available on Netflix since March 20.
  • The medieval fantasy series is based on a book template.
  • While many viewers were thrilled, others voiced severe criticism.

After the second season of "The Witcher" has just started production, many fans are currently looking for a replacement program that is as similar as possible to the Witcher series. A new fantasy cracker is needed, but which production meets these criteria? On March 20, 2020, Netflix finally put an end to the desperate search of many "The Witcher" fans with another medieval series. On this day "The Letter for the King" was published.

"The Letter to the King" - Will a 2nd season of the Netflix series be released?

The series "The Letter for the King" has another thing in common with "The Witcher": Both works are based on book templates. Dutch author Tonke Dragt published "De brief voor de Koning" (original title in Dutch) in the 1960s. This basis served as inspiration for the series makers, but the Netflix production differs greatly from the original.

The fact that the screenwriters are not strictly based on Dragt's novel has one advantage: in a second season, you can tell a completely different story. That will also be necessary, because the 1st season is self-contained . The book "Der Wilde Wald" by Dragt could serve as a model for a possible continuation, because the novel is an addition to her work "The Letter for the King" .

But now to the most important question: Has a second season already been confirmed? So far, Netflix * has not commented on this. Maybe fans can expect a statement from the streaming service at the earliest one month after the series is released.

Also interesting : "The Witcher" star infected with corona virus - This is how Netflix acts now.

Viewers of "The Letter for the King" are divided

The reactions to the series were very different, by the way. While many viewers are enthusiastic, others criticize the drastic deviations from the book template . For example, a YouTube user wrote under a trailer: "Couldn't even go through to the end of the first episode. The book was trampled on, such a great work and totally messed up."

Find out more : "The Witcher" - show runner regrets this decision.

Video: Trailer for the Netflix series "The Letter for the King"


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* is part of the nationwide central Ippen editorial network.

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