The Limited Times

Coronavirus: shopping vouchers from NaturaSì

4/3/2020, 3:21:27 PM

Eight hundred thousand euros: this is the figure that NaturaSì makes available to Italian Municipalities to respond to the invitation of the government, which has allocated a total of 400 million to support the weakest and most affected sectors of the Covid-19 emergency. © ANSA


(ANSA) - ROME, APRIL 03 - Eight hundred thousand euros: this is the figure that NaturaSì makes available to the Italian Municipalities to respond to the invitation of the government, which has allocated a total of 400 million to support the weakest and most affected sections of the Covid-19 emergency.
Through the technological partner Amilon, NaturaSì has activated the supply of shopping vouchers and purchase vouchers, to be allocated to those who need it most, to purchase basic biological and biodynamic necessities.
"NaturaSì provides a total of 800 thousand euros of shopping vouchers that can be purchased from all the municipalities requesting the agreed price of 400 thousand euros, thus doubling the commitment. The municipalities will have the vouchers via digital gift cards, an easy tool for both customers and Municipalities themselves ", explains Michela Airoldi, marketing director of the company.
"It seems right to think about who, in this delicate moment for our country, is in difficulty and has difficulty accessing food, just when it is more important to eat well. This is why we collaborate in the collective effort by doubling the 'tax' that iComuni will be able to put in field to meet families' difficulties, "said Fausto Jori, CEO of NaturaSì.
In the meantime, the distribution of 30,000 foodstuffs that NaturaSì has donated to the municipality of Milan for the most needy families continues, with the aim of reaching 5,000. NaturaSì has also activated "Click and Collect": a new App to download to your smartphone, which allows customers to choose the products as if they were in the store and receive them at home or collect them in the nearest authorized sales point, without making files and having to enter the store. (HANDLE).

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