The Limited Times

Expo 2020 towards postponement, Glisenti: Italy goes ahead with partners'

4/3/2020, 5:36:28 PM

All compact, Expo will be a chance of recovery for the country - INSIDE ALL THE IN-DEPTH © Ansa

Italy continues its path towards the Universal Exposition which presents itself more than ever as a chance for revival for the school, academic, cultural and scientific partners of the Commissariat, as well as for the national economy, while the hypothesis of a one-year postponement of Expo 2020 Dubai in consideration of the health emergency. "The 160 member countries of the Bureau international des Expositions, the intergovernmental body that controls and manages universal exposures, will decide in the next few days on the postponement of Expo 2020 Dubai for a year - declares the Commissioner for Italy's participation in Expo 2020 Dubai, Paolo Glisenti - Italy has already expressed its intention to vote in favor of a postponement to 2021 ". To ratify the decision - it is underlined - the majority of two thirds of the member countries are needed.

"The Italian project is going ahead - explains Glisenti - We are following the construction of the Pavilion paying the utmost attention to the health and safety of the workers on our construction site in Dubai. In the meantime, with our institutional partners, Ministries, Universities and research centers , schools, scientific, cultural and artistic communities, we are beginning to rethink what the characteristics of the Italian participation must be, if the postponement to 2021 is confirmed. It will be an unmissable opportunity for the revival of the Italian economy, Made in Italy abroad, tourism and the attraction of foreign investments towards our innovative small and medium-sized enterprises and Italian start-ups, which are currently suffering ".

The journey towards the Expo with partners continues: the testimonies published in recent days on the Commissariat website ( are joined by those of other personalities. "The difficult period we are going through has led us to stimulate intelligence and imagination by creating new projects to innovate teaching models", so Paola Severino, Vice President of Luiss University Guido Carli stresses the challenges facing academia is facing. Epochal changes that for Paolo Galli, professor of Ecology and director of the MaRHE Center at the University of Milan-Bicocca, must be addressed "by creating a 'horizontal network', with foreign researchers and universities, but also 'vertical', in which students of various grades and professors will confront in search of common solutions ". For Enrico Giovannini, ASviS spokesman, in these months that separate us from Expo we will have time to "draw the future we want": a goal that cannot be separated from sustainable economic growth, based on research and innovation. Essential elements also for the country's agri-food system, recalls Luigi Scordamaglia, president of the CL.AN Cluster