The Limited Times

Hit parade, Pearl Jam on the summit

4/3/2020, 5:03:34 PM

"Gigaton", the 11th album by Pearl Jam, makes its debut directly at the top of the best-selling albums of the week, according to Fimi / Gfk's findings. The album represents the culmination of the stylistic evolution of the Seattle band. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, APRIL 03 - "Gigaton", the 11th album by Pearl Jam, debuts directly at the top of the best-selling record list of the week, according to Fimi / Gfk surveys. The album represents the culmination of the stylistic evolution of the Seattle band. On the second step of the podiorisale of a Marracash position with Persona. Third Dua Lipacon his new Future Nostalgia, which was anticipated by the Italian "Don't Start Now".
In fourth place is the debut of the new album by GianniBismarck "Nati Diversi". The disc in a week hatotalizzato over 5 million streams in digital stores.
Ghali with Dna slips from second to fifth position, ahead of The Weeknd, which only a week ago had conquered the top with After Hours. Seventh place for ThaSupreme with 23 6451, followed by Nitro with GarbAge who loses a position compared to seven days ago but conquers the first one after the vinyl.
The top ten are closed by the Nuclear Tactical Penguins, with Fuoridall'hype Ringo Starr, the only ones who still hold high the banner of the Sanremo Festival, and the trap band FSK Satellitecon Fsk Trapshit Revenge. (HANDLE).