The Limited Times

There are 85,388 sick, 2,339 more than yesterday

4/3/2020, 5:21:27 PM

A total of 85,388 coronavirus patients in Italy, with an increase compared to yesterday of 2,339. Thursday the increase had been 2,477. The total number of infected people - including victims and healed - is 119,827. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, APRIL 3 - A total of 85,388 coronavirus patients in Italy, with an increase compared to yesterday of 2,339. Thursday the increase had been 2,477. The total number of those infected - including the victims and the healed - is 119,827. The data was provided by the Civil Protection.
There are 4,068 ICU patients, 15 more than yesterday. Of these, 1,381 are in Lombardy. Of the 85,388 patients overall, 28,741 are then hospitalized with symptoms - 201 more than yesterday - and 52,579 are in home isolation.
14,681 died after contracting the coronavirus, with an increase compared to yesterday of 766. Thursday the increase had been 760. While 19,758 people were healed, 1,480 more days. Yesterday the increase in the healed was 1,431.
Finally, in the last two days 80 thousand buffers have been made, which brings the overall figure to 619,849.