The Limited Times

This gardening is due in April

4/3/2020, 3:00:39 PM

April is just around the corner, but you still don't know what jobs are going on in the garden? We have created an overview of sowing, plantings, etc.

April is just around the corner, but you still don't know what jobs are going on in the garden? We have created an overview of sowing, plantings, etc.

  • In April hibernation is finally over.
  • There can be no frosts, but the first plants sprout from the ground and flowers show their blossoms - nature comes back to life.
  • What this means for hobby gardeners : work in the garden is only just beginning.
  • We have put together an overview of what gardening is due in April .

Prefer seeds: You must now prefer these plants

Many types of vegetables and herbs prefer to be preferred in a warm environment during the colder days - so that they can be placed in the bed without problems after the last late frosts. You can prefer the following plant seeds in April:

  • Red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale *, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower
  • Cucumber *, zucchini *, pumpkin *, tomato *, bell pepper *
  • Bush beans, runner beans
  • Herbs like lemon balm, tarragon, thyme, basil, marjoram, fennel

Sowing and planting: This vegetable wants to go into the soil in April

Some vegetables and herbs may already be sown or planted directly in the ground in April. The following are included:

  • Swiss chard, carrots, radish, beetroot *, radishes, onions
  • Broccoli, arugula, spinach
  • New potatoes *
  • Brussels sprouts, cauliflower
  • Broad bean, pea
  • Herbs such as mugwort, savory, dill, garden herb, chervil, cress, coriander, parsley

Bring up perennial beds in spring

Prepare your herbaceous beds in April by loosening the top layer of soil well . Make sure that you do not injure any bulbs lying in the ground. Remove any remaining leaves or withered parts of the plant so that enough light can reach the new plant shoots.

Also exciting : these are the best plants for the balcony.

Now onion flowers are fertilized

Is your garden already shining in the bright colors of tulips *, hyacinths and daffodils ? To keep it that way, you should continue to provide the bulb flowers with nutrients. The flowers have used a lot of energy for their blossoms and now need a fertilizer - for example a potash fertilizer for onion flowers - in order to remain in top shape. This is good for plants, especially in sandy or nutrient-poor soils.

These shrubs and ornamental trees are cut in April

While flowering begins for some perennials and ornamental trees, for others it is over at the end of April. Depending on the weather, the forsythia, roses *, butterfly bushes, garden hibiscus and the ornamental currant : Then it is time to cut back the shrubs so that they can bloom again in the old splendor next year.

Also interesting : That is why you face a fine of up to 100,000 euros if you cut hedges from March.

Prevent snails in the garden

Before snails can spread in your garden from spring, you should take a few precautionary measures. For example, snails don't like to be watered in the morning while watering in the evening attracts the slimy animals. You can also use the time to build border strips by surrounding your beds with gravel, sand or sawdust. Snails cannot crawl on the rough surface and therefore stay away from your plants.

Scarify the lawn - perfect time in April

The soil is particularly regenerative in April and May, which is why it is now the ideal time to scarify the lawn *. The scar is vertically scratched with a scarifier to remove mulch, lawn felt and moss, so that the soil is better ventilated. Make sure that the lawn is dry.

Also read : When and how often do I have to fertilize the lawn?

These ten mistakes can ruin your garden

To the photo gallery

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.