The Limited Times

Tourette streamer reveals bizarre questions from fans on Twitch

4/3/2020, 5:21:46 PM

Sweet Anita is a very successful streamer on Twitch. However, due to her Tourette disease, she receives daily disturbing messages from fans.

Sweet Anita is a very successful streamer on Twitch. However, due to her Tourette disease, she receives daily disturbing messages from fans.

  • Twitch streamer Sweet Anita suffers from Tourette syndrome .
  • 29-year-old reports on lewd questions from her fans .
  • Fans go crazy - streamer * reacts with humor.

London, England - She really had no easy path, but now she's done it. Sweet Anita has been one of the established streamers on Twitch * for some time now. When she initially streamed in front of a handful of viewers, there are now regularly tens of thousands of fans watching the English player play. Her unique selling point is her illness and her humorous handling of it. On Twitch , the streamer receives several crazy fan questions about her Tourette syndrome every day . Now Sweet Anita has revealed some of the suggestive questions .

Tourette streamer on Twitch: fans bombard her with lewd questions

Her followers on Twitch now include almost 800,000 users . Many of her viewers show sympathy and understanding for Sweet Anita, who has Tourette syndrome, and her ticks, short outbreaks of the disease. She is incredibly grateful for this support and describes her fans as a reason to continue to give everything. *

However, the anonymity of the Internet also allows less friendly people to access Sweet Anitas Stream and their chat. The streamer has now listed the most annoying questions from her fans . "Do you have a boyfriend? Do you have Instagram? Do you have Snapchat?" In addition to these comparatively harmless questions , there were also some apart from the good taste. "When was the last time you fucking someone? Do you have your ticks during sex?"

I'm drunk I don't know if this is an acceptable psa, hopefully I won't regret it. But it's ok to laugh at my condition, I'm a tiny girl screaming about a dick I clearly don't have. I laugh at myself, you can too, you can stop sending repentant DMs, we cool. K bye

- Sweet Anita (@ Tweet4nita) February 3, 2020

Even though Sweet Anita can understand the audience's curiosity about her illness, some questions go too far even for the streamer , who is otherwise very open about her Tourette syndrome . But many fans apparently do not know when the limit of good taste has been reached. If the streamer does not answer the perverted questions of her viewers, she tries to get her attention instead with donations.

Tourette streamer Sweet Anita , however, remains strong and does not let her " fans " get her down. She continues to humorously explain her illness to outsiders. She recently took part in the video series "Tinder in Real Life" and stole the show with her funny sayings and decisions. The video now has over 14 million views.


Sweet Anita takes her illness with humor.

© YouTube: Sidemen

Twitch is also on Anita's side. * After the streamer slipped out the N-word during her live stream due to her illness, the streaming platform strengthened her back.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

Source: *

Rubric list image: © Twitter: Tweet4nita

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