The Limited Times

Roe buck makes itself comfortable in Olchinger Garten

4/4/2020, 1:33:34 PM

When the Olchingerin Heidi Schneller looks out of her bathroom window one day, she initially cannot believe her eyes: a roebuck is walking through her garden.

When the Olchingerin Heidi Schneller looks out of her bathroom window one day, she initially cannot believe her eyes: a roebuck is walking through her garden.

Olching - "I think I don't see very well," she says to herself and immediately storms to her husband. And both see the same thing: a roebuck nibbles on the blackberries and makes himself comfortable under a small tree.

Heidi Schneller, who is known from the Olching artists, her husband from the knife days, wants to take a photo right away. She sneaks out, but even the slightest sound scares the shy animal. It jumps up immediately and is gone - at least briefly. Because the buck in the garden of the Schnellers apparently likes it - although it doesn't now border on a forest.

As soon as the mistress is back inside, the goat comes again, very carefully. "Super, like from a picture book," enthuses Schneller. She takes a few pictures out of the house. The roe buck stays for a day and a half, has a dry place under Thujen. Maybe he would still be there, but at some point Heidi Schneller has to go out to the compost. "I can't do without my garden all summer now," she explains.

The roebuck disappears for now. However, it goes around in the city, and also on the social network Facebook, that he was spotted in Feldstrasse. It seems to be a roebuck with a preference for the urban.

That is not abnormal, says hunting association district chairman Gerhard von Hößlin. On the contrary: "This is a completely natural behavior." Mostly it is young animals that look around for a new area in the spring. He himself lives in Gernlinden and can regularly watch it from home.