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Corona in Saxony: University clinic can exclude father from delivery room - high school graduation takes place regularly

4/9/2020, 9:18:42 PM

More and more corona deaths are registered in Saxony. Now a court has ruled that fathers are no longer allowed in the delivery room. The news in the ticker.

More and more corona deaths are registered in Saxony. Now a court has ruled that fathers are no longer allowed in the delivery room. The news in the ticker.

  • The corona virus * is killing more and more people in Saxony .
  • Among other things, an Italian Covid 19 patient treated in the Free State died .
  • In Jena, the obligation to protect against waste is being expanded.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus and the corona news from Germany. You can also find current case numbers in Germany as a map. The following recommendations for corona protective measures are currently available.

Update from April 9, 7:39 p.m .: Normally unthinkable, but obviously right in times of Covid-19 : Leipzig University Hospital may deny an expectant father access to the delivery room during the Corona crisis . According to the announcement from Thursday, the Leipzig administrative court ruled that the hospital's house rights covered the access ban.

Previously, an expectant father had sued the decision of the university clinic . Since April 3, the clinic no longer has any accompanying person in the delivery room when giving birth. The hospital based this decision on the feared further spread of the coronavirus. The plaintiff, on the other hand, argued that his presence in the delivery room was essential for an emotionally unencumbered and uncomplicated birth of the expected twins of his partner.

Coronavirus in Leipzig: Court dismisses suit of an expectant father

The plaintiff also emphasized that he was prepared to keep sufficient distance from the staff, to be tested for the virus and to wear protective clothing. Nevertheless , the administrative court rejected the man's application for preliminary legal protection . The court's decision was that the access ban was proportionate.

Another decision related to the Corona crisis affects the students in Saxony. On Thursday it became known that the Abitur in Saxony can be written at the regular time despite the pandemic . The exams will start on April 22nd and the schools will be reopened due to preparation for the final classes on April 20 , as culture minister Christian Piwarz (CDU) said on Thursday after the cabinet meeting in Dresden.

The minister also announced when the rest of the lessons would resume later. "An Abitur is not an option for us , we want to give the students the opportunity to take exams in a good atmosphere and under fair conditions." But there is a special regulation: Those who did not feel able to do so at the first date could take exams rewrite.

In Baden-Württemberg, meanwhile, it is up to debate that a decision on diesel driving bans in Stuttgart will be postponed due to the corona pandemic. The state has made a request to the Stuttgart Administrative Court.

Corona virus in eastern Germany: court defines outdoor radius of movement

Update from April 8, 2020, 12:21 p.m .: The Saxon Higher Administrative Court in Bautzen has declared the legal ordinance for protection in the Corona crisis to be lawful and at the same time has specified "the environment of the living area". According to this, citizens for sport and exercise can move up to 15 kilometers away from their place of residence.

According to the court, this applies regardless of whether this area is accessed on foot, by bicycle, by car or public transport.

Saxony would like to decide after Easter to relax measures to contain the corona pandemic. He called on the Saxons to be patient and disciplined - especially during the Easter holidays. There is currently a "deceptive calm," said the government chief.

Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer wrote a letter to the people of Saxony in the Corona crisis. According to the State Chancellery, more than two million copies will reach households before Easter. That should also be a "motivation for Easter".

Coronavirus in East Germany: Scientists Develop Emergency Respirators - Head of Clinic: "The Situation Is Serious"

Update from April 7, 2020, 12.30 p.m .: The fight against the corona virus lacks the most important protective articles and devices in many countries. Not only protective masks are required, the lack of ventilators is also a problem for medical professionals.

However, an opportunity has now been created to alleviate the shortage of ventilators . For example, researchers from the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences in Zwickau from the field of biomedical engineering have helped develop an emergency ventilator that can be reproduced using a 3D printer .

In cooperation with scientists from the University Hospital Leipzig, the WHZ and the Frauenhofer IWU, it was possible to create a prototype, the university announced. The prototype was successfully tested last Friday.

As the university writes on its website, the ventilator should be available to doctors as a last resort. "It is not a certified medical device, but should serve as the last option," writes the university. Three ventilators could be reproduced per day with a 3D printer . The university also expressly advises that the emergency ventilators could be used internationally.

Corona virus in East Germany: City extends mandatory mouth protection - Clinic boss: "The situation is serious"

Update from April 6, 2020, 2 p.m .: More and more deaths due to an infection with the corona virus are also reported in Potsdam . As the "Bild" newspaper reports, more people have died in a clinic. A man died on Sunday evening and a woman on Monday morning. This was announced by a spokesman for the St. Josefs Hospital. The number of deaths thus rises to a total of 21. In the Ernst von Bergmann clinic (we reported), severely affected by the coronavirus, 15 people have died of Covid-19 so far.

Meanwhile, Söder announced a bitter Corona schedule for Bavaria until July. Criticism of Sweden's special path in the corona crisis is growing louder. Does it lead directly to a "catastrophe"?

Coronavirus in Thuringia: Parties in the quarantine village of Neustadt - police officers insulted and spat on

Meanwhile, on Sunday in the quarantine village of Neustadt (Thuringia), just before the 14-day quarantine expired, there were two street parties that had to be dissolved by the police.

Petra Enders , district administrator of the Ilm district, told the “Bild” newspaper: “A group of six and a group of ten people had a great party. That is outrageous. I'm pissed off and angry. "

When the police intervened

illicit parties

to dissolve, the police officers were insulted and spat on. A spokesman for the Thuringian police said in this regard: “At the first response of the emergency services, several people immediately became verbally aggressive and sometimes refused to provide their personal details. There were occasional spits in the direction of the officials and threatens to take action against the police measures. "

In the fight against the spread of fake news in the corona crisis, Whatsapp is now relying on a function update.

Corona crisis in East Germany: City extends mandatory mouth protection

Update from April 6, 2020, 11:25 a.m .: Jena is the first German city where wearing a face mask is compulsory. In the fight against the spread of the corona virus , this applies, for example, to shops, buses and trains. This is to limit the transmission of the virus through droplet infection when speaking, coughing or sneezing. Mouthguards are not required outdoors.

According to the city, no medical face mask is necessary, self-made masks as well as scarves or scarves that cover the mouth and nose are sufficient. The step does not apply to self-protection, but to the protection of others, it said. From Friday (April 10th), the requirement is to be extended to include more closed rooms including workplaces with more than one person.

A scientist on YouTube is now telling why the “Flatten the Curve” strategy cannot work for all of Germany. Meanwhile, a doctor strongly warns against the use of disposable gloves. However, Spain overtook Italy in the number of infected. Still there is hope. Germany meanwhile has more than 100,000 infected.

Corona crisis: First deaths in Leipzig - head of clinic: "The situation is serious"

Update from April 5, 2020, 12:51 p.m .: The corona virus has been demanding top performance from doctors, nurses and nurses worldwide for weeks. A report from the intensive care unit of the Helios clinic in Aue, Saxony , shows how serious the situation is. 17 Corona patients and 38 suspected cases between the ages of 18 and 95 are currently being treated there. Five of them need artificial respiration. Another five patients in the clinic have already lost the fight against the virus (as of April 4, 6 p.m.).

"The situation is serious," says Marcel Koch, head of the clinic, in an interview with the Bild newspaper. But he also emphasizes that there is no need to panic and that there is nowhere near Italian. "We currently have the situation under control," says Koch.

In the Helios Clinic in Aue, three corona wards have now been set up for up to 137 patients. One of the 17 Corona patients, an 81-year-old lady, has been fighting for her life in the hospital since Tuesday. With a severe pneumonia she came to the emergency room, it says at "Your body is struggling with the virus.

As long as we have to ventilate them, maybe for weeks, ”explains their nurse. "We don't know if she can do it. But we do everything for it. "

Chancellor Angela Merkel is now advising the Cabinet of Crisis on further corona measures in Germany. *

Corona virus in Saxony: Clinic boss criticizes Corona small speakers on Facebook

The elderly woman is one of tens of thousands of pensioners who are fighting the death of Covid-19. For people who don't take the virus seriously, Koch's head of the clinic bursts his collar. " It's cruel and inhumane, " he complains in a Facebook video that has now been liked a thousand times.

In addition to the frustration and the overload, the clinic doctors sometimes also experience events that give hope. For example, the case of an 80-year-old corona patient who came to the Helios clinic two weeks ago with severe pneumonia. She was recently released healthy .

Update from April 4, 2020, 9:58 p.m .: The situation in a nursing home in Saxony is extremely tense due to the corona virus .

As of Friday (April 3), 53 residents and 37 employees were infected with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus in the Bethlehemstift nursing home in Zwönitz , three residents have died. As reported by the "Bild" newspaper , the number of corona deaths has risen to six.

According to the MDR , referring to the state government, there are residents or nurses in a total of 16 nursing homes who have been infected with the corona virus.

Meanwhile, the number of Covid 19 deaths rose to up to 300 in NRW. A virologist issued an urgent warning.

Coronavirus: Saxony admits three more Covid-19 patients from France

Update from April 4, 2020, 7:00 p.m .: Germany shows solidarity with its neighboring countries in times of crisis. Saxony admitted three more Corona patients * from the severely affected France on Saturday. A Luxembourg air ambulance brought a patient from Saint-Dizier to Dresden, the other two patients were flown in by helicopter from Bourscheid in the Grand Est region bordering Germany.

The three people would be divided for treatment: the Dresden University Hospital, the Coswig Special Hospital and the Dresden-Friedrichstadt Hospital. So far nothing is known about the three patients, according to a spokeswoman for the university hospital, they are intensive care patients. On Thursday, the three Saxon clinics each had a patient from France. In the federal state, eight patients from Italy have been brought to Saxony for treatment in the past few days. One of them died on Wednesday night in Leipzig, where a young woman has been missing since Tuesday.

Meanwhile, doubts about the RKI deaths regarding the coronavirus are raised. Are there really fewer corona deaths in Germany?

Coronavirus in Saxony: City of Kamenz is giving away masks to all residents

Update from April 4, 2020, 12:51 p.m .: Kamenz is the first city in Saxony to give a face mask to all its citizens . That was decided by the city council there, as it became known on Saturday. "Procurement has started. We assume that the first households will receive the masks from April 15, ”said Mayor Roland Dantz (independent) according to the news portal .

He further reported that the reusable masks were produced by the local company "Sachsen Fahnen". City administration employees and subsidiaries are also to be equipped. Only children up to and including the age of five are exempt .

Coronavirus in Saxony: City of Kamenz is giving away masks to all residents

Dantz assumes that household supplies can be completed by the end of April . The mask was also used to distribute a letter to the households in which Dantz referred to a donation account. "You have the opportunity to ask yourself, what is this city performance worth to you personally," said the mayor.

Update of April 3, 2020, 1:26 pm: As the "Bild" newspaper cited the St. Georg Clinic , two people died in Leipzig for the first time as a result of a coronavirus infection . The two men between the ages of 86 and 73 had come to the hospital with severe previous illnesses .

According to current figures, 21 people in Saxony have now died of the lung disease Covid-19.

Update from April 3, 2020, 12 noon: Due to possibly unreliable test results, hundreds of corona tests in Saxony-Anhalt are not being used for the time being. The Federal Ministry of Social Affairs of the German Press Agency confirmed that 1675 test sets provided by the federal government were affected. "According to the manufacturer's instructions, the smear tubes are suitable for virus tests, but do not comply with the recommendations of the RKI." ​​The ministry has now advised the health authorities not to use these materials at first.

The tests are suspected to be particularly suitable for bacteria but not for viruses . The State Office for Consumer Protection is now investigating whether the tests did not provide any meaningful results, said Social Minister Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD) on Thursday. In principle, however, it is possible to use the tests to detect a corona infection.

How many of these tests have already been used is unclear. However, it is likely that experts can already see the tests that they are primarily intended for bacteria, according to the Ministry of Social Affairs. If it turns out that the tests actually do not produce reliable results, they will be sent back to the federal government, according to Grimm-Benne .

Corona crisis in Saxony-Anhalt: State government approves catalog of fines, ban on contacts extended

Meanwhile, the state government of Saxony-Anhalt has extended the ban on contact until April 19. The state government has also approved a catalog of fines .

So far, 861 people in Saxony-Anhalt have been infected with the corona virus (as of April 3, 10:49 am). Eleven people have died as a result of the virus.
Meanwhile, the North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of Health raised the alarm about protective materials and announced a new plan.

Our first report of April 2, 2020: Coronavirus: More and more deaths in Saxony - Italian Covid 19 patient also died

Dresden / Leipzig - The state of Saxony is currently complaining about more and more corona deaths . In the meantime, 18 people who have been proven to be infected with Covid-19 have died there, Health Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) said on Wednesday. "This is a development that worries us," said the minister.

The number of deaths in Saxony increased by five within 24 hours, reports . All of the deceased had reached the age of 74 . "The risk group belongs particularly and separately protected," said Köpping. At the same time, the death of one of the Italian patients treated in Saxony , who was transferred to the Free State in March, was announced on Wednesday. As the university hospital said, the 57-year-old died of a multi-organ failure at night.

Coronavirus in Saxony: Covid-19 may have only played a minor role in the death of the Italian

According to Christoph Josten , the medical director of the university hospital, the patient had suffered from another life-threatening illness that was previously unknown. Covid 19 disease may have only played a minor role in his death.

According to Josten, however, the other seven Covid 19 patients from Italy are still not completely stable . One of them is in critical condition at the heart center in Leipzig. However, there is somewhat better news about the remaining six patients. They are "definitely on the road to recovery and stabilization," it said. "You cannot make a final statement after a few days of intensive care, but we are optimistic," said Josten.

As of Wednesday, 2,245 people in Saxony were also found to have been infected with the corona virus . Based on the previous day, this is an increase of 161 cases. Minister of Health Köpping has announced a concept for the coming days to better provide care facilities and facilities for the disabled with protective materials and corona tests.

Coronavirus in Saxony: Interior Minister Wöller draws a positive balance on the security situation

Interior Minister Roland Wöller (CDU) made a comparatively positive assessment of the general security situation. On Tuesday, 148 violations of the conditions and the Infection Protection Act * were found - ten less than the previous day. However, there are also media reports that place this development in a less optimistic context.

The portal reports, for example, that the corona rules in Saxony are particularly strict , but their interpretation can cause confusion . "In the general decree, we deliberately placed great emphasis on choosing an indefinite legal term," said Interior Minister Wöller when presenting the rules *. For example, walks and sports are only allowed in the “area surrounding the living area” . But how is this determined?

The Leipzig police tried to interpret the decision last week and determined that it was still within five kilometers of the home. A short time later, officials carried out checks and, of course, also registered violations. However, some officials have doubts about the current course of action by the police force.

Coronavirus in Saxony: Police officers are unsettled because of ambiguous regulations

"We should make sure that a pandemic is stopped and don't even know which rules apply, " criticized a 29-year-old policeman from Chemnitz, who does not want to be named, in an interview with It is questionable whether the - in any case only moderate - decrease in the number of violations actually shows a trend or rather reflects the uncertainty of some police officers who do not know how to interpret the rules.

But at least one recommendation is currently valid without any doubt, and so it is also emphasized on the Twitter channel of the police in Saxony: " We'll stay there for you - please stay at home for us, " is the top post of the Saxon police in that social network.

We stay there for you - please stay at home for us!

It is not an easy time for everyone, but the current measures are designed to protect everyone, especially the weakest. Therefore: #StayAtHome # wirbleibenzuhause # wirsindda #FlattenTheCurve #coronavirus

- Police Saxony (@PolizeiSachsen) March 20, 2020

By the way: You can read about all previous developments of the corona virus crisis in East Germany in our previous news ticker. Meanwhile, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder announced a groundbreaking study, as * reports. In Germany, several thousand nurses are now infected with the virus. One case in China took a curious course of disease, which is why the researchers assume that the virus mutated.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.