The Limited Times

Corona virus in Africa: Isolation sites for refugees in Niger - Group from China sends masks

4/9/2020, 9:09:31 PM

The corona virus also affects the countries in Africa: Masks are mandatory in Kenya, police violence is reported from South Africa. The news ticker.

The corona virus also affects the countries in Africa: Masks are mandatory in Kenya, police violence is reported from South Africa. The news ticker.

  • The coronavirus pandemic * has grown worldwide.
  • While Covid-19 initially only appeared in China, the lung disease has now spread across the globe.
  • Measures against the spread of the virus are being stepped up in Africa .

Update, April 9, 2020: In the Sahel state of Niger, which has been used by the EU as a defense zone against migrants for years, the government is using the UNHCR to convert stadiums as isolation centers for refugees.

After much criticism of China, the country is currently mentioned very positively in African media: Both the government and the businessman Jack Ma , who is behind the Alibaba group, have announced deliveries. The Alibaba Foundation wants to send 20,000 test kits, 100,000 masks and 1,000 protective suits to all 54 countries on the continent, and the Chinese government wants to build individual isolation stations in hospitals. Criticism comes from Nigeria - the local doctors could cope with the situation on their own.

Development Minister Gerd Müller (CSU) meanwhile welcomed the 15 billion package that the EU had promised, but criticized that it also included existing aid packages that were only rededicated. He called for greater efforts by the EU in the face of the crisis.

Coronavirus in Africa: fear of police violence spreading

Update, April 8, 2020: While strict curfews are already in place in many countries, there is growing concern about the excesses of police violence. As a spokeswoman for Amnesty International said, there are tendencies in some countries to use measures against the spread of the virus as a pretext for repression. For example, homosexuals were arrested in Uganda , and homeless people are said to have been hit with rubber bullets in South Africa . Amnesty fears that such actions will lose confidence in the authorities and that further measures to curb virus spread would be critical.

What are the implications of # COVID19 for your human rights? Enroll for our new 15 minutes course and learn more.https: //

- AmnestyEasternAfrica (@AmnestyEARO) March 20, 2020

South African digital minister Stella Ndabeni-Abraham had opposed the measures - when it became known that she was having lunch with a friend, President Cyrill Ramaphosa cut her salary.

The WHO announced on Wednesday (April 8) that 500 people on the continent have now died from a coronavirus infection and there are 10,000 confirmed cases.

Meanwhile, intellectuals are calling on the crisis to be used as an opportunity to develop a new Africa. As the Togolese economist Kako Nubukpo writes in Le Monde Afrique, France, the continent must focus on domestic productions and on putting people's wellbeing at the forefront of politics.

OUI il existe des masques, des lits de réanimation et même des hôpitaux en Afrique !!

C'est l'heure pour l'Afrique de montrer à la face du monde les ressorts secrets de sa résilience par son génie!

Restons optimistes et mobilisés !! https: //

- Kako Nubukpo (@kakonubukpo) April 4, 2020

Corona virus in Africa: entrepreneurs in Kenya make masks

Update April 7, 2020: The corona crisis is also becoming increasingly noticeable in Africa . In the meantime, there have been several incidents in which the emergency services apparently enforced the curfews extremely aggressively . As a result, German politicians such as Development Minister Gerd Müller and EU politicians such as Foreign Representative Josep Borrell also warned of the consequences of the pandemic, particularly in Africa.

But there is sometimes positive news. In Kenya , for example, fashion and furniture designers used their skills to produce masks for poor Kenyans in slums . "Our mission is to try to get these masks into the hands and faces of people in need of protection," explains furniture maker Sara Reeves. "The more people wear masks, the better it is for all of us in Kenya."

Corona crisis in Africa: Masks are mandatory for Kenyans - but many cannot afford them

In Kenya , people have recently started wearing masks in public - but very few can afford one. Especially in the slums in Nairobi , the residents live in confined spaces and often with poor hygiene and little financial reserves. To date, there have been at least 158 confirmed Covid-19 cases in Kenya, and there is great concern that the local health system and economy will suffer severely from further spread.

Update April 4, 2020: Spreading the coronavirus * in Africa would have devastating consequences, according to EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell . "The pandemic could get out of control very quickly there, " said the Spaniard on Friday after consulting the EU foreign ministers. The health system in Africa is not comparable to that in Europe . In Africa, for example, there is only one doctor for every ten thousand inhabitants, while there are 37 doctors in Europe.

"We have to help Africa in our own interest." The problem would not be solved if it was only solved in Europe. Then there could be a setback. The development ministers of the EU member states want to advise on possible aid next Wednesday.

Corona crisis in Africa: Müller fears new refugee movements due to pandemic

German development minister Gerd Müller fears that the corona pandemic in Africa will lead to new violence and new refugee movements . "The situation is dramatic because the virus is now arriving in developing and emerging countries with a delay of two months," said the CSU politician at Augsburger Allgemeine . "I am very concerned that there will be unrest in fragile states, including civil wars, " he emphasized.

The economic turmoil of the crisis hit Africa with full force: " Millions of people have already lost their jobs in developing countries, have no security and no income," said Müller. "There is already unrest. Terrorist groups are targeting attacks aimed at overthrowing governments, ”he said. “Chaos to civil war and waves of refugees would be the result. All of this affects us too. ”That is why the international community must do everything to prevent the collapse of individual states.

In Germany, more than 100,000 people have already been infected with the corona virus.

Corona crisis in Africa: Caritas warns of Covid 19 consequences

Update of April 3, 2020: The Catholic aid organization Caritas International has warned of the spread of the corona virus in Africa . Caritas general secretary Aloysius John said on Friday at an internet press conference that Covid-19 could have even more devastating effects in the poor countries of the African continent than in the Western countries, which have been badly affected to date.

Ebola outbreaks in Africa have learned that it is particularly important to inform people in remote regions about precautionary measures, a spokeswoman said. Caritas is also concerned that refugees in many regions of the world may be severely affected by the virus, John said. That is why his organization, like the Pope, is calling for a worldwide ceasefire. In addition, sanctions against countries such as Syria, Lebanon or Iran should be lifted due to the health crisis, he said.

Update of April 2, 2020: In Africa , brutal attacks by the police and the army in the implementation of restrictions in the fight against the corona virus are increasingly causing complaints from human rights organizations . "The security forces have used excessive force, including beatings, gunfire, and arbitrary detention of people across the country," criticized Human Rights Watch, a human rights group in Uganda on Thursday.

Corona crisis in Africa: security institute criticizes police action

A government spokesman, however, dismissed the allegations and emphasized that they were isolated isolated cases . In South Africa , reports of attacks by security forces are also increasing. The local institute for security issues (ISS) criticized on Thursday with reference to officially still unconfirmed media reports: "Just five days after the curfew was imposed , the police reportedly killed three people ."

The institute further warned that the risks of continued illegitimate state violence for South Africa's future could be greater than the risks associated with the pandemic. John Steenhuisen of the opposition Democratic Alliance called the attacks "unacceptable and worrying" .

Update of April 1, 2020: While the parliamentary elections were held in Mali despite the corona pandemic *, another country decided to postpone the elections. In Ethiopia , the parliament should be re-elected on August 29. Now the elections have been postponed to a later date.

Corona infections in Africa are increasing: Ethiopia postpones parliamentary elections

The electoral commission cited the spread of the lung disease Covid-19 * and the interrupted preparations as reasons. A new date has not yet been set, the Commission said on Tuesday. An opposition group ONLF, which declared that saving human lives was more important than occupying political offices, also supported the decision.

Ethiopia Postpones Elections Scheduled for August Due to COVID-19 #Ethiopia # Covid19 #StayAtHome #CovidInAfrica #Lockdown

- (@allafrica) April 1, 2020

The parliament that votes on the Prime Minister is elected by citizens in Ethiopia. The vote is considered an important test for Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed . Since taking office in April 2018, the young politician has initiated several reforms and made peace with neighboring Eritrea. For this he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. However, the security situation in the country has deteriorated under Abiy.

Corona infections in Africa rise: 13-year-old shot dead by the police during curfew control

Update from March 31: Africa has also registered the first infections with the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 in the past few weeks . A terrible incident has now occurred while enforcing a night-time curfew to contain the coronavirus in Kenya. A 13-year-old boy was shot by the police .

As the Kenyan daily “Daily Nation” reported on Tuesday, police officers shot live in a slum in the capital Nairobi on Monday evening to disperse passersby. The boy was hit in the abdomen by a bullet. The newspaper relies on eyewitnesses.

The curfew has been in force since last Friday in connection with the fight against the corona virus. The boy's parents told the newspaper that the student was playing on the balcony when the bullet hit him. He died later in hospital. Kenyan police chief Hillary Mutyambai ordered an investigation.

The violent measures taken by the Kenyan police to enforce the curfew had previously provoked criticism. On Friday, police officers in the port city of Mombasa beat pedestrians with sticks and whips and also used tear gas.

Corona infections in Africa are increasing: many countries are taking drastic measures

Update of March 29: Already after the announcement of relatively small numbers of cases, numerous African countries have taken drastic measures - schools in Namibia were closed nationwide immediately after the first case occurred, Kenya and Nigeria rely on entry stops and the ban on meetings, as Deutschlandfunk reports . The continent could benefit from the fact that there is extensive experience in connection with the Ebola epidemic and that the population is more aware of the risk of infection. So information is now spreading quickly via social media. Statistics currently tops the map of the John Hopkins University of South Africa with 1187 people who tested positive and one death.

Update from March 20: In South Africa , the number of detected coronavirus infections has increased significantly. Health minister Zweli Mkhize said on Friday that she had increased 52 new cases to 202 within a day. South Africa is the most severely affected country in sub-Saharan Africa.

The pathogen would continue to spread and "stay with us for quite a while," warned the minister. "We have to face this reality." However, this does not mean that an apocalypse is imminent. The number of infected people should not increase too quickly so that the health system is not overwhelmed, he warned.

Coronavirus in Africa: WHO chief with drastic warning: "Prepare for the worst"

First message from March 19: Lagos - The corona virus has spread all over the planet *. As of this week, the epicenter of the pandemic is no longer China, but Italy . The country reported more deaths than the People's Republic for the first time on Thursday. An end to the crisis does not appear to be in sight.

Italy has missed countermeasures in time for viral containment, now it is feeling the effects of Covid-19 immediately. With regard to the conditions in the EU country, there has been increasing talk of so-called Italian conditions in the past. Specifically, other countries such as Germany face a similar exceptional situation if there is no response in time.

Because in many countries it has been seen that the spread of the virus accelerates rapidly from a “certain turning point”, explains Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus , Director General of the World Health Organization .

In order to further contain the virus and save human lives, the WHO chief appealed to Africa , which was not so badly affected by Covid-19 , where one should “wake up”. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus himself comes from Africa, was born in today's Eritrea . He insists: "The best advice for Africa is to prepare for the worst and start today."

Corona virus in Africa: experts fear catastrophe across the continent

Across the entire African continent, “only” 712 cases of corona infection have been confirmed (as of March 18). For comparison, in Italy alone there are more than 40,000 (as of March 19). It is unclear whether the virus spreads more slowly in Africa than in other parts of the world or has so far only been rarely detected.

There are currently some indications of the second. Experts fear an extremely high number of unreported cases and also warn that crowded African cities could develop into a dangerous focus for the corona virus. Due to the often poorly equipped health systems, they fear a possible disaster from the pandemic in Africa.

Corona virus in Africa: Nigeria closes schools - South Africa plans protective fence

After all, Africa seems to take the WHO chief's appeal seriously. Schools in Nigeria's metropolis of Lagos, for example, have been closed since this week, and events involving more than 50 people are prohibited. South Africa announced as containment measures the erection of a 40-kilometer border fence to the neighboring country Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone imposed travel restrictions.

Governments on the continent seem to be increasingly concerned with Coronavius ​​- given the WHO chief's drastic words, they should .

as with information from AFP

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Themba Hadebe