The Limited Times

Coronavirus: 424 new hospital deaths, 12,210 since the start of the epidemic

4/9/2020, 5:45:43 PM

This Thursday, according to the new assessment of the Director General of Health, 7,766 people are still in intensive care.

During a press briefing, which is now daily, Jérôme Salomon, the Director General of Health, released a new assessment of Covid-19 patients. This Thursday evening, no less than 30,767 people are still hospitalized, including 7,766 in intensive care. It is also the first time since these reports are made public that the balance of people in intensive care is "slightly" negative, he said.

Number 2 of the Ministry of Health also indicates that the death toll in France now stands at 12,210 people, including 424, in hospitals in the past 24 hours. The number of victims in the Ehpad, which was not up to date Wednesday evening, due to a computer problem, is to date 4166 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic.

It also indicates that more than 23,000 hospitalized patients have left cured, not counting the thousands of patients not hospitalized.

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