The Limited Times

Marti (UBB): "The title on the green carpet? We will think about accepting it or not ... "

4/9/2020, 9:15:31 PM

Invited by RMC Sport on Thursday, the president of Bordeaux-Bègles, leader of the Top 14 before his suspension, made no secret of his wrath.

Laurent Marti has slammed the door of the work meetings of the League to display his disagreement. The reason ? The vote against the establishment of a bonus-penalty system for next season if the current one does not end. At the microphone of RMC Sport , the president of the UBB, leader of the championship before his suspension a month ago, said to regret bitterly this decision.

“It makes me think that the other presidents want to save their season on the green carpet. It is not necessarily very honest. We are touching iniquity. I am a little disappointed to see that the presidents quickly, quickly, swept it away, when one would have thought that justice, honesty and the courage to assume their results on the ground, could have encouraged them to think of formulas which could have given a small advantage. It would have pleased me to feel a little more intellectual honesty. Everyone has their own apple and everyone will play this game from now on. ”

Some clubs have worked well. Do we have the right, by unhealthy opportunism, to steal everything from them? "

A game in which he no longer wants to participate, too disappointed that the good season of the Girondin club, which never qualified for the final stages, is swept away with a backhand. “So we're going to start with zero like little friends and I find it unfair. (…) Some clubs have worked well, they have taken risks and have gone through difficult times. Do we have the right by unhealthy opportunism to take everything and steal everything? It's surprising. Bernard Laporte wants to bring up clubs from Federal 1 in Pro D2 because, according to him, we cannot erase everything from such an advanced season. This is valid for Top 14 and Pro D2 clubs. What we want is for everyone to show good will and - if the pandemic allows it, if the government allows it - to finish settling our accounts on the ground. Not on the green carpet. ”

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If this were the case, Laurent Marti is not sure whether, if necessary, that the title of champion of France will be awarded to the UBB on the green carpet. “Having only played 17 days, we will not ask for anything. The title will not be asked for. And if we are offered it, we will think about accepting it or not. It's not sure. We want to win it on the field! Nine days from the end, the UBB is 8 points ahead of the second (Lou), 15 points of the third (Racing), 21 points of the sixth (Clermont). We know that, but we are not like some of our colleagues who want to take advantage of the situation… We want to win things, but on the ground. ”

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