The Limited Times

Social assistance for children in difficulty due to confinement

4/9/2020, 5:24:31 PM

The confinement and the lack of personnel makes the situation of the homes difficult. Scouts help.

Fragile children, victims of often very painful family situations, cloistered together 24 hours a day in establishments sometimes without a garden. Parents' visits are now prohibited. And more and more educators on sick leave… Placed in a home or foster family, more than 60,000 young people in the care of Child Welfare (ASE) suffer confinement as a “double punishment”.

Read also: Violence against children: the number of calls to 119 up 20%

At the end of March, the Council of Ministers had adopted an ordinance introducing "adaptations" to the usual operating rules for homes, notably posing the possibility of an occupancy rate of 120%. "It's just adding brothel to brothel!" , indignant Lyes Louffok, member of the National Council for Child Protection (CNPE), himself a former child in care. Especially since then, the contagion has progressed: children have fallen ill, supervisors too ... Depending on the departments, the absenteeism rate among the latter varies between 30% and 40%, - even up to 70%

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