The Limited Times

The Covid-19 crisis accelerates the changeover in the digital world

4/9/2020, 6:51:48 PM

Cloud computing, artificial intelligence, virtual reality ... The brutal need for new uses is precipitating certain changes.

Work, education, training, shopping, medical consultation, entertainment, and even sports… With the coronavirus crisis and the brutal confinement of billions of people around the world, everything is done remotely from home. Like the SARS in China in 2003, which had precipitated the development of e-commerce and the giant Alibaba, the Covid-19 is turning upside down whole swathes of the lives of citizens, businesses and governments in around the world, furiously accelerating certain technological changes capable of meeting new needs.

Read also: Digital: the sector takes the opportunity to remind that it does not want to be restrained

In France, one in five workers currently works 100% in teleworking, according to an Odoxa study published on Thursday. Constrained in the urgency of ensuring the security of their employees and the continuity of their activities remotely, companies had to equip all of their employees in record time with laptops and secure access to their applications. And 79% of French people started using tools

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