The Limited Times

The news of the coronavirus this Thursday, April 9

4/9/2020, 10:00:42 PM

A prediction model being studied by the White House makes a lower estimate of the number of deaths from covid-19 in the U.S. than a previous model. The Global Round this Thursday takes us to Was ...

A prediction model being studied by the White House makes a lower estimate of the number of deaths from covid-19 in the U.S. than a previous model. The Global Round this Thursday takes us to Washington, where a prediction model lowers the initial prediction of deaths of more than 80,000 by 20,000 by the beginning of August. In Italy, there are more than 13,500 infected doctors and nurses and a hundred killed by the virus, that's why the European Union sends professionals to help them. In Caracas, an image of a Christ who was already asked for help in the 17th century to fight the plague comes out on the street again. And we end up in Kazakhstan where the virus does not stop relays from being sent to the International Space Station. It is the Global Round that Miguel Ángel Antoñanzas brings us.

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