The Limited Times

Corona crisis in Bavaria: number of infected reaches new peak - current statistics published

4/10/2020, 7:43:16 PM

On Friday, current figures on coronavirus infections and deaths for Bavaria were announced. The number of infected people in the Free State breaks the 30,000 mark.

On Friday, current figures on coronavirus infections and deaths for Bavaria were announced. The number of infected people in the Free State breaks the 30,000 mark.

  • The coronavirus * is another determining topic in the Bavarian government.
  • The Bavarian government has decided on a maintenance bonus.
  • Prime Minister Markus Söder announced a bitter corona schedule.
  • Here you will find our guide to reporting and the Corona News from Germany. You can also find current numbers of cases in Bavaria as a map. The following recommendations for corona protective measures are currently available.

Update, 4:01 pm: In Bavaria, 30,862 people have now tested positive for the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. So far, 721 people have died who were infected with the pathogen. This was announced by the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) in Erlangen on Friday (as of 10:00 a.m.) on its website. According to the information, the previous day there were 29,262 infected people and 653 deaths. The estimated number of people recovered was 10,720 on Friday.

Update, 12:56 p.m .: The police drove up three times, three times they caught a florist from Unterhaching selling flowers despite the coronavirus-related closings. It could be expensive.

Corona crisis further tense: National player Gündogan sends a touching video message

Update of April 10, 9:32 am: National soccer player Ilkay Gündogan gave the employees of the Nuremberg Clinic courage with a video message and promised a thank you. The former professional of 1. FC Nürnberg would like to invite all employees to the Kur- und Freizeitbad Nürnberg, "as soon as this difficult situation is over", announced the 29-year-old on Thursday. According to the announcement, there are eleven corona patients in the intensive care unit of the North Clinic who are so seriously ill that they all have to be ventilated .

Video: Corona crisis - Ilkay Gündogan with a touching gesture for the Nuremberg clinic

His former school principal from Bertolt Brecht High School, where Gündogan graduated from high school, contacted him about the coronavirus crisis and told him about his work at the hospital . "In these difficult times, it is not high enough to count the work you do," said the Manchester City midfielder . Gündogan himself wants to stop by in his old home soon and pay a visit to the clinic.

Corona virus in Bavaria: State government receives radical decree from Ostallgäuer Landrätin

Update from 9 p.m .: The Ostallgäu district office prohibited all tourist activities before Easter by ordinance. Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) has now expressed doubts to the Bavarian Radio (BR) in this regard. The district administrator Maria Rita Zinnecker (CSU) had arranged.

For the coming Easter holidays, one recommends staying in the home environment in accordance with the Corona requirements , says Herrmann. This is also justifiable. "Better stay at home," advised the interior minister. However, whether one could get ahead with such a regulation, as in Ostallgäu, he “indeed has certain legal doubts”.

"Unfortunately, I had to tell the police today that we cannot make this order from Ostallgäu the basis for police action because there are simply too great legal doubts about it," said Hermann.


District Administrator Maria Rita Zinnecker

© picture alliance / dpa / Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

Nevertheless, the police will also make sure that there are no crowds in the Ostallgäu and that the minimum distance is maintained.

Corona in Bavaria: Feuerschule Würzbug lends university clinic overpressure respirators

Update from 7.30 p.m .: The State Fire Service School of Würzburg lends its overpressure respirator masks of the highest security level to the University Hospital of Würzburg in a administrative assistance that is unique in Germany. The equipment could be used on corona infected people to carry out urgent procedures in the nose, mouth and throat area without endangering the surgical team, the clinic said on Thursday.

The positive pressure breathing masks, which are independent of the ambient air, could be an effective protection against the special risk that surgeons pose when operating on corona-infected people. "It is suspected that the occurrence of a high initial amount of virus or the frequent confrontation with the virus make the course of the disease particularly difficult," said Hartmut Böhn , the senior consultant at the clinic.

The immediate proximity to the nasal and pharynx mucosa and the aerosol that arises in many upper respiratory operations are believed to be highly viral, which represents a high risk potential for doctors . The positive pressure breathing masks, which are independent of the ambient air, could now be an effective protection against this.

Corona debate in Bavaria: Söder rejects early exit - "Must learn to live with the pandemic"

Update from 4.30 p.m .: In an interview with the German Press Agency (dpa), Markus Söder explained how the corona measures have so far affected Bavaria . “Experts tell us: Without our courageous commitment and our early decisions, we would have had up to 50,000 infections and countless more deaths. So we protected Bavaria from worse. And: we test more than others and are ahead of the rest in international comparison. This initially results in a higher number of infections, but helps in the long term to limit the pandemic more sustainably. Incidentally, the latest figures for Bavaria are below the national average - both in terms of infections and deaths. And for the first time, the number of people who have recovered is higher than that of new infections. ”

The CSU boss still rejects an early exit and also feels the backing of the population: “My impression is that the Bavarian population still considers health protection to be higher than an ill-considered exit strategy . (...) Only when the virologists give us the green light can we carefully ease things. But it is also clear that every improvement must be combined with hygiene and safety requirements. We have to learn to live with the pandemic . ”

Good survey results for Söder in corona crisis: "My place is and will remain in Bavaria"

Whether the schools in the Free State will have to remain closed for a long time will be decided in the coming week. “In any case, an accompanying concept for teachers, students and parents is required. Nobody should have a disadvantage from Corona. This applies particularly to all final exams. "

Söder's popularity ratings are at a record high - but that doesn't matter to Bavaria's prime ministers. "I am not currently evaluating posture and style issues or reading surveys. The only values ​​that interest me are the infection numbers every day. We feel that they are stabilizing. The doubling period is now eleven and a half days. These are all encouraging signals and that moves me. (...) The question of what will happen next year doesn't matter at all. We also have a strong chancellor who supports Bavaria very much. My place is and remains in Bavaria. "

Corona debate in Bavaria: Easter services? Court has now decided

Update from 3.15 p.m .: The decline in the number of patients in the emergency room alarms medical doctors. Chief physicians from the Nuremberg Clinic warn against postponing urgently needed treatments due to the corona pandemic. The consequences are probably more dangerous for many people than the low risk of getting infected with the coronavirus, the clinic said on Thursday.

In the past few weeks, significantly fewer people with a minor heart attack or stroke had come to the emergency room. Patients who are more advanced than usual are coming to the clinics for this.

In Baden-Württemberg, however, the coronavirus pandemic could affect diesel driving bans.

Corona virus in Bavaria: 29,262 people tested positive

Update from 3 p.m .: In Bavaria, 29,262 people have now tested positive for the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. So far, 653 people have died who were infected with the pathogen. This was announced by the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) in Erlangen on Thursday (as of 10 a.m.) on its website. According to the information given, the previous day there were 28,053 infected people and 589 deaths.

Video: Easter in times of the corona crisis

Court rules on Easter services in Corona times: plaintiff reacts

Update from 2:46 p.m .: The plaintiff has now reacted to the decision of the Bavarian Administrative Court: "I am very sorry for today's decision of the VGH," said the Munich lawyer on Thursday of the German Press Agency (dpa). It was his concern "to achieve an appropriate balance of the fundamental rights of physical integrity and religious freedom, taking into account the difficult emergency situation". He very much hoped that the discussion about the importance of religion for everyday life in times of need would continue. And he wanted to continue to contribute to the discussion.

Corona debate in Bavaria: Easter services? Court has now decided

Update from 1:34 pm: In the corona pandemic, a ban on church services with visitors is also permitted to prevent further infections. This was decided on Thursday by the Bavarian Administrative Court, rejecting the urgent request from a Munich lawyer. The man had sued the so-called worship ban last week because, as a Catholic, he wanted to celebrate Easter with a service even in Corona times.

The reason for this is that the ban violates his religious freedom. The court did not follow the argument. However, it emphasized that in the event of religious gatherings it was ultimately also necessary to check whether “an exceptional permit could be granted in individual cases”.

Corona in Bavaria: Archdioceses had previously canceled public services

The court did not follow the argument. The 20th Senate had rejected the application for an interim order "because the applicant currently does not have the opportunity, for factual reasons, to attend a worship service of his religious community," said the court.

Further: The Archdiocese of Munich and Freising , in whose area the applicant is located, had canceled the conduct of public services in the Corona crisis, regardless of the ban regulation that has now been challenged in court, until April 19. "Furthermore, the applicant is unable to state in which parish it appears to be reachable to attend the service after the desired enforcement of the ordinance."

The Council President of the Evangelical Church in Germany, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm , also believes that a ban on church services with visitors over Easter is correct because of the corona pandemic.

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday are “the light source of every believer for the whole year”, the plaintiff in his application. Having to do without liturgical celebrations at this time was a heavy burden and disproportionate. Religious freedom, like hardly any other, is designed and dependent on a common exercise by a large number of people.

From the lawyer's point of view, it would be "epidemically acceptable" to look for alternatives to a complete ban on worship . He had proposed limiting the number of participants, minimum distance between worshipers, providing disinfectants, and regulated entry - as well as mouthguards and gloves when distributing communion.

Corona crisis in Germany: Söder warns of early easing

Update from 12.29 p.m .: In the opinion of the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder, the strategies of the federal states for the way out of the Corona state of emergency do not necessarily have to be completely congruent. "In fact, the situation differs from region to region - it is different in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg than in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania or Schleswig-Holstein, " said the CSU boss in an interview with the German Press Agency in Munich. The infection rate there was significantly lower right from the start. "In this respect, the common concept in Germany must do justice to the different situations."

“As much as possible should happen together. Unfortunately, individual countries are already leaving. But we should keep a line in Germany , ”emphasized Söder. In general, it has to be seen whether the numbers will stabilize anyhow.

Söder warned again that loosening that was too early could take revenge later: “Those who loosen too early and too much out of impatience risk life. The EU has expressly confirmed this in its new Corona strategy paper. “The balance between freedom and security is central to him.

Meanwhile, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced a statement on the Corona crisis at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday. *

Coronavirus in Bavaria: 36 patients treated in Großhadern - 90 percent men

Update from 11:23 am: Nurses and rescue workers work around the clock in the corona crisis. A Bavarian holiday resort has now come up with a special thank you.

Update from 9.56 a.m .: "The pandemic may be less in summer", but will probably come again in autumn, Jauch continued. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Zwißler then gives an impression of the situation in intensive care medicine . A total of 36 patients were treated in the intensive care unit in Großhadern. The average age was "young", thinks Zwißler, namely 62 years. The age range ranged from 41 to 80 years. 90 percent of all intensive medical treatment patients were men , he continues.

There would have been no death in the first four weeks, but: "Patients will also die". Zwißler affirmed that the population had to be relieved of the fear that admission to the intensive care unit, including ventilation, would amount to a "death sentence" . "We still have sufficient treatment capacity," concludes Zwißler.

Update from 9.45 a.m .: Prof. Dr. Karl-Walter Jauch agrees with Minister of State Sibler that Montgomery has expressed a misjudgment regarding Bavaria. "As a medical colleague, I may have to apologize for our Honorary President, Mr. Montgomery."

The numbers are getting better, the number of infections is doubling more slowly than at the beginning, but, "The pandemic will occupy us for the next two or three years," he explains.

Corona in Bavaria - conclusion on intensive care patients: a number gives hope

Update from 9.37 a.m .: Bernd Sibler opens the press conference: "We are in a very, very serious situation". There is currently no alternative to the initial restrictions. The criticism of medical president Montgomery the day before surprised him. The number of intensive care beds was increased from 600 to 1000.

It will also ensure that heart attack and stroke patients receive the same care as before. According to Sibler, there are initial indications that some people no longer trust the hospital, even though they urgently need to go there.

Sibler also wants to convey a bit of hope: All of the 36 intensive care patients at the Großhadern Clinic were saved. Ventilation in the intensive care unit is not a "death sentence".

Press conference live: Conclusion on the treatment of seriously ill corona patients in Bavaria

Update from 9.20 a.m .: Minister of State Bernd Sibler speaks at 9.30 a.m. at a press conference together with Prof. Dr. Karl-Walter Jauch, Chairman of Universitätsmedizin Bayern eV, and Prof. Dr. Bernhard Zwißler, director of the Clinic for Anaesthesiology. Current figures and experiences in intensive care medicine in the first four weeks with seriously ill corona patients in Bavaria are presented.

Update of April 9, 8:18 a.m . : Prime Minister Markus Söder believes that a mask requirement is essential. In the eyes of world medical president Frank Ulrich Montgomery, the CSU boss is wrong - and not only with this assessment. *

Corona crisis in Bavaria: Markus Söder more popular than ever

Update from 10:21 pm: The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder is more popular than ever. His crisis management during the Corona crisis seems to please people. Now there was juicy criticism *.

Update from 6.20 p.m .: Bavarian experts hope that the tourism stop due to the spread of the corona virus will end soon. "We hope, in the course of May, hopefully until Pentecost, that we can start again at least in parts," said Bernhard Joachim of the Allgäu Tourism Association on Wednesday at the request of the German Press Agency. In Upper Bavaria, on the other hand, it is expected that tourism operations in the Free State can start again in June at the earliest , said Oswald Pehel from the Upper Bavaria Tourism Association. However, there are still clear restrictions to be reckoned with: "Especially at the beginning, the focus will be on day trips."

Overall, according to Bernhard from the Allgäu Tourist Association, the Corona crisis was a hard blow for tourism in the Free State: "We can no longer make up for income that has not yet been made."

Corona virus in Bavaria: Söder contradicts Müchner police - "Of course you can ..."

Update from 4:01 p.m .: What is prohibited, what is allowed? Many people wonder about the exit restrictions that currently apply in Bavaria. For example, can you read a book on a bench? “Of course you can read a book on a bench. That is not a problem. " Prime Minister Markus Söder clarified this in an interview with the picture - even though the Munich police tweeted the opposite just a few days ago. Of course, it was still important to keep enough distance. Söder had therefore spoken to the Interior Ministry. "They make that clear." Does the state go too far with the current coronavirus regulations *?

No, reading a book on a bench is not allowed.

- Police Munich (@PolizeiMuenchen) April 7, 2020

Update from 1:54 pm : Markus Söder gave the picture a video interview at noon. At the Oktoberfest, he said: “We will evaluate in June whether it can take place or not. One thing is clear: Since travel and border openings are very unlikely, it is a completely different situation anyway. ”Specifically, this means: If it takes place at all, then“ under completely different conditions ”.

Over the Easter holidays , he wants to think about how things can go on in Bavaria and Germany. "I think we just haven't gotten over the mountain yet. (...) I would now advise not to make a fundamental U-turn (...) Patience is a virtue, not a weakness. "Soder's motto:" As much freedom as possible, but also as much security as necessary ".

Corona in Bavaria: Söder puts Oktoberfest deadline in the room and warns of early loosening

Update from 12.33 p.m .: Markus Söder gave a live video interview with the picture about the corona situation. The Oktoberfest in Munich was also an issue. In June it will be decided whether the Oktoberfest will take place, said Bavaria's Prime Minister . Söder also has a clear opinion on financial aid. "A clear no to euro bonds. A clear yes to other aids. We want to help directly and quickly so that the countries that are particularly affected get the support. There are other instruments for this, ”said Söder. Söder also spoke against the picture against premature easing. "If you act too quickly, you risk a relapse".

What is citizens still allowed in Corona times, what is not? The police say that reading a book on the park bench is not possible. A comment by Merkur editor-in-chief Georg Anastasiadis. *

Despite Corona exit restrictions in Bavaria: couple travels with children from Augsburg - for a barbecue

Update from 12.26 p.m .: Yesterday, Tuesday, the Munich police broke up a grill party . At around 7.10 p.m., witnesses had reported that a barbecue party would take place in the garden of an apartment on Bad-Ischler-Strasse in Pasing , in which over ten people would take part.

Three strips went to Pasing and found several people in the garden there, celebrating a party there. * Among them was a family from Augsburg (the parents and their three minor children). They were sent off and were reported for violating the Infection Protection Act.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Markus Söder patron of special action

Update from 11:24 am: "We are living in an incredibly difficult time", Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder begins his latest video message on Facebook. “In these times, it is important to keep your feet under control and also to strengthen your faith. Faith gives strength, faith holds together, faith strengthens the heart with optimism and shows that there is more than the current situation. ”Praying together connects beyond the denomination, which is why Söder encourages people to pray together. The Germany-wide campaign "Germany Prays Together" takes place today from 5 to 6 p.m. via live stream. Söder is the patron.

The teachers of the Oberdingen Realschule addressed their students with an emotional message in Corona times. The reactions to the 17-minute video were no less emotional. *

Coronavirus: weakening of the courses with blood plasma?

Update 8.55 a.m .: therapies with blood plasma could help seriously ill corona patients in the future. The study situation indicates that this could significantly weaken life-threatening courses, said the head of transfusion medicine at the University Hospital Erlangen , Holger Hackstein. According to its own statements, this is one of the first institutions to have received approval for the production of therapeutic plasma. Other clinics in Germany are also working on it.

People who have survived Covid-19 infection have produced specific antibodies against the virus that are extracted from the blood with a machine. Acutely ill patients should receive them. The effect of this blood plasma therapy was investigated in a study from China in ten people suffering from Covid 19, which was published in the online edition of the journal "Proceedings" of the US Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The patient's condition then improved within three days.

Around 500 test smears for the coronavirus are checked daily in the MVZ laboratory in Poing. Because medical supplies are becoming scarce here, there was an unusual barter. *

"Poisoned offers of help": Right-wing extremists use corona crisis for their purposes - appeal to interior ministers

Update of April 8, 7:00 a.m .: Right- wing parties and organizations in Bavaria are using the corona crisis to gain supporters with supposed neighborhood aid. This emerges from a letter from the Ministry of the Interior . The right-wing extremist party The Third Way , which is now offering daily help or shopping in the Munich, Erlangen and Bamberg regions, is particularly active.

"Activists see the crisis as an opportunity to gain supporters through self-portrayal as a social organization that takes care of the problems of" little "people," the letter said. The offer of the third way, for example, runs under the heading "Solidarity for Germans" .

The member of the state parliament, Cemal Bozoglu (Greens), asked the Interior Ministry, headed by Joachim Herrmann (CSU), to closely monitor the right-wing scene and to inform the population about such "poisoned offers of help" .

Corona in Bavaria: protective mask fraud in Traunstein

Update from 6:02 p.m .: Investors in Traunstein have uncovered an international, multi-million dollar scam with non-existent respiratory masks. The injured were two sales companies based in Hamburg and Zurich, the prosecutor said on Tuesday. They were to deliver around ten million masks to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia for just under 15 million euros.

According to the announcement, the companies had already made a down payment of around 2.4 million euros to the supposed delivery companies. When the masks did not arrive, the German managing director of the two companies filed a complaint. According to the investigators, around 2 million of the money has already been secured abroad.

North Rhine-Westphalia had already paid - around 14.7 million euros to the Swiss sales company. Around 12.3 million euros have now been repaid. The investigation is still ongoing. According to the public prosecutor, the fraudsters had hijacked the identity of a company in other European countries. Details were not given with reference to the ongoing investigation.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Bundeswehr soldiers help out in old people's homes and nursing homes

Update from 5.46 p.m .: In the Corona crisis, 35 Bundeswehr soldiers are helping out in retirement and nursing homes in the Bamberg district. The district administrator announced on Tuesday that they would initially be deployed as auxiliary nurses for six weeks. The nurses' capacities are now exhausted.

The deployment of the Panzer Battalion 104 from the Upper Palatinate in Pfreimd (Schwandorf district) will begin this Tuesday, it was said. All soldiers are currently being tested and trained for the virus. They are performing "an invaluable humanitarian effort", District Administrator Johann Kalb (CSU) thanked the soldiers.

According to the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL), there were 285 Covid-19 patients and eleven deaths in the Bamberg district as of Tuesday morning.

Update from 3:43 p.m .: 90 new corona cases were confirmed in Munich on Tuesday, April 7 (as of 1:30 p.m.). A total of 3,884 infections have been reported in the state capital so far. This figure includes 1,384 people who are already cured and 18 deaths. Last Tuesday (March 31st) there were 198 new confirmed corona infections (total 2,699).

90 new # coronavirus cases were confirmed in # Munich today, Tuesday, April 7 (as of 1:30 p.m.). A total of 3,884 infections have been reported in the state capital so far. More information at #bleibtsdahoam #StayHome #FlattenTheCurve

- City of Munich (@StadtMuenchen) April 7, 2020

The city wants to take its time in deciding whether the Oktoberfest 2020 will take place. A well-known virologist has now uttered clear words *.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: restrictions probably apply even longer

Update from 2:55 pm: In Bavaria, 26,567 people have now tested positive for the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. So far, 495 people have died who were infected with the pathogen. This was announced by the State Office for Health and Food Safety in Erlangen on Tuesday (at 10 a.m.) on its website. According to the information given, the previous day there were 25,355 infected people and 444 deaths.

The people of the Free State would have to prepare for longer restrictions. "Where Austria is unlikely to and cannot change, as the example of Austria shows, there are areas where it is hardly possible to keep your distance: in the catering scene, clubs, discotheques, hotels and also at events" , he emphasized. Whether and which stores can be reopened will be "discussed jointly at national and Bavarian level". Söder emphasized: “Human lives simply go before shopping tours. "

And in schools one has to “think very carefully and handle it very sensitively”. "From my point of view it is clear: We want to ensure that those who have final classes have an opportunity to pass them," said Söder. “It doesn't have to be done automatically through school lessons. That can be in another form. ”And you have to adapt the curricula for the current school year. Söder also emphasized that elementary school students, for example, could not be required to wear a mask. On the other hand, one does not want the schools to end up being a new way of "returning" the corona virus.

Coronavirus: Infected in every tenth old people's or nursing home in Bavaria

Update from 1:52 pm: In every tenth old people's or nursing home in Bavaria, residents or employees have already tested positive for the corona virus . Therefore, help in the areas is currently particularly important, said Health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU) on Tuesday in Munich. In addition, according to Söder, a mask obligation is "highly likely". A large cargo plane today brings eight million protective masks to the Federal Government in Bavaria. The jet took off in Shanghai, China, on Tuesday morning and, after a stopover in Seoul (South Korea), is on its way to Munich, as Lufthansa announced. The plane should land in the late afternoon.

In the fight against the corona virus , people in Bavaria may have to adjust to school closures and restrictions in public life that last longer. "After Easter, perspectives will be developed and coordinated," said Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder. He also brought up a step-by-step plan for schools, which, for example, could be used to deal with final classes differently than with elementary school students.

Söder with bitter corona schedule until July - mask commitment "highly likely"

Update from 1:10 p.m .: Markus Söder talks about the meeting of the Bavarian cabinet. "Fortunately, the positive trend in Bavaria over the past few days has continued," said the Prime Minister . The number of infections doubles every 8.6 days. "The measures are working," said Söder. It was important to take the measures promptly, early and consistently.

"We are far from over the mountain," explains Söder. The situation in nursing and nursing homes is particularly dramatic. After Easter, things will not just go on as before. "If you loosen too early, risk something too quickly, you could be responsible for a relapse," said Söder . However, perspectives are also needed. It must then be discussed whether and which stores can be reopened. A mask obligation then seems "highly probable".

Austria canceled events until June, Bavaria was about three weeks behind the neighboring state. According to Söder, this gives an idea of ​​how long catering establishments, beer gardens or discos could remain closed. It is possible that it could take until July. Longer school closings are also possible.

The maintenance bonus was decided, said Söder. The circle will even be expanded again.

First cabinet meeting by video: Bavaria pays a € 500 care bonus to nurses in hospitals, outpatient care, old people's and handicapped facilities, to emergency paramedics and paramedics. We are honoring the enormous achievements in the corona crisis. Many thanks!

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) April 7, 2020

Bavarian hotspot even puts New York in the shade - Prime Minister Söder informs at a press conference

Update from 10:27 am: The corona virus continues to spread across the country. According to the ntv, the highest number of cases in Germany is currently in the Bavarian district of Tirschenreuth. * The incidence there rises to over 1000. This means that, purely mathematically, there are 1039.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

However, only around 72,000 people live in the Tirschenreuth district. To put it more simply: 1.04 percent of the local population were or are infected with the coronavirus . This is more than anywhere else in Germany - and relatively more than in the state of New York , as ntv further reports. The city of Mitterteich, with a population of 6500, is considered one of the hotspots in the area. A strong beer festival is believed to be a major cause. The strong beer festival in Rosenheim is also suspected of having aggravated the corona situation. *

Corona curfew in Mitterteich: regulations relaxed early

Update from 9:12 am: Three weeks after the nationwide first far-reaching Corona curfew was imposed in Mitterteich in Upper Palatinate, the regulations were relaxed ahead of schedule. Since this Tuesday, the same exit restrictions apply in Bavaria as in the whole of Bavaria. The infection in the Mitterteich urban area no longer shows any significant differences to the rest of the Tirschenreuth district, the district had announced on Monday after a meeting of the crisis management team. The stricter rules should originally apply until this Thursday inclusive.

Today the Bavarian cabinet meets via video. Markus Söder then informed at a press conference. Among other things, it should be about the Corona bonus for caregivers. According to Bayerisches Rundfunk (BR), it is almost impossible that the exit restrictions and other restrictions on public life in Bavaria are relaxed today. Although easing has been announced in Austria, the federal and state governments want to stick to their schedule. Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Prime Minister want to discuss how to proceed on April 14.

Between self-optimization and excess: Munich residents deal differently with the current exit restriction. *

Is the Corona Bonus for Nurses Coming Today? Prime Minister Söder informs at a press conference

First report from April 7, 8.15 a.m.

In Bavaria, 25,355 people tested positive for the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . This was announced by the State Office for Health and Food Safety in Erlangen on Monday (as of April 6, 10 a.m.) on its website. To date, 444 patients infected with the coronavirus have died.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Bavarian cabinet meets via video

Now the Bavarian cabinet is meeting again - for the first time, the weekly meeting on Tuesday (April 7) will take place at 10 a.m. via video . Many ministers and state secretaries will not be present in person, but will be switched on. It is already common practice for the state government's disaster management team .

Nevertheless, Prime Minister Markus Söder and State Chancellor Florian Herrmann, Minister of Health Melanie Huml (all CSU) and Minister of Economics Hubert Aiwanger (Free Voters) are likely to be in the State Chancellery, since they will also hold a joint press conference afterwards. This should start around 1 p.m.

Bavarian cabinet meets: Corona bonus for nurses to be decided

In order to avoid possible contagion among the ministers and state secretaries, the meetings had already taken place in the large dome hall of the state chancellery in recent weeks.

In terms of content, the session is dominated by the Corona crisis , as in the past few weeks. Among other things, the - initially one-off - 500 euro corona bonus announced by Söder for all nursing staff in Bavaria is to be decided.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Ministers discuss current developments

In addition, the ministers will be advised on the current developments in new infections and will consider how the spread can be further restricted.

The tax-free bonus payment is to be paid to those concerned as soon as possible - i.e. all nursing staff in hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, homes for the elderly, nursing homes and disabled people. The cost for the 252,000 employees is 126 million euros.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Nurseries should also be helped

According to Aiwanger, the difficult situation of Bavaria's nurseries should also be an issue. "The aim is that these companies can also submit applications and we can help them," he told Augsburger Allgemeine (Monday). Due to the initial restrictions, nurseries are currently not allowed to open to customers.

So far, 22 people have died in a nursing home in Würzburg as a result of the coronavirus. A family member now makes serious allegations - and is considering suing the home management. *

* / are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

with dpa

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Lino Mirgeler

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