The Limited Times

Coronavirus: in Nice, the horseman of Christian Estrosi

4/10/2020, 6:49:05 PM

Without waiting for directives from the State, the mayor of Nice decided to take hold of the health crisis by multiplying initiatives to fight the epidemic.

He issues orders faster than his shadow. In Nice, the mayor LR Christian Estrosi asserts his interventionism to compensate "the weaknesses of a State which is revealed naked vis-a-vis the crisis" . Curfew, surveillance by drones, disinfection of streets, use of chloroquine in the CHU, obligation to wear a mask after deconfinement…

Read also: Boyer, Estrosi, Vassal: three elected officials from the South tell about the coronavirus test

"For me, the mayor is a bit the dad of all his fellow citizens," said the man who was very early infected with coronavirus. His opponent RN Philippe Vardon castigates round effects, but his initiatives are splashing in France, and the former minister records a leap in the polls. “I decided to take hold of this crisis. I recognize that sometimes, on certain subjects, I can be on the verge of legality. But I was not going to leave people, companies, people in very precarious situations, in great situations of fragility, by the wayside. Including state personal ... "insists aedile's 5th city in France.

Estrosi denounces the State's shortcomings by refraining from attacking the President of the Republic who "inherited" the consequences of an "unbroken chain of naive ideologies"


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