The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Syria: Idlib under threat of war in war

4/10/2020, 8:04:22 PM

Barely recovered from bomb containment, residents of the province are struggling to appreciate the risk associated with the Covid-19.

The respite was short-lived. A month after the cessation of the Russian-Syrian bombardments on the province of Idlib, the inhabitants of this last enclave of the anti-Assad rebellion live today under the threat of another "enemy" , silent and invisible, who could endanger hundreds of thousands of families displaced by the war. "If it spreads to northern Syria, the coronavirus will be devastating. We must expect a disaster, ” warns Dr. Mohammad Twaish.

Read also: Vulnerable and destitute Syrian refugees facing coronavirus

At the end of this WhatsApp line which connects him to the outside world, the voice of this Idlib doctor raises concern. To date, no victims of Covid-19 have been officially listed in northwestern Syria, but the risk of the epidemic spreading is greatest. “We advise people to respect barrier gestures and to practice social distance, but it is impossible! In the camps hosting the displaced populations on the Turkish-Syrian border,

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