The Limited Times

Despite the threat of a corona mask requirement: German manufacturers cannot get rid of their protective masks

4/10/2020, 7:13:45 AM

Protective masks are becoming an increasingly important topic in the fight against the corona virus. Söder indicated that a mask requirement is coming. But a textile manufacturer cannot get rid of its masks.

Protective masks are becoming an increasingly important topic in the fight against the corona virus. Söder indicated that a mask requirement is coming. But a textile manufacturer cannot get rid of its masks.

  • The corona virus * continues to spread.
  • A mandatory mask was decided in Austria.
  • So far, no one wants to introduce one in Germany.
  • You can find all the latest news on the Corona crisis in Germany here. Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus. You can also find current case numbers in Germany as a map.

Update of April 8, 9:32 p.m .: In view of the mask requirement currently heavily debated in Germany, World Medical President Frank Ulrich Montgomery criticized the fact that conventional masks intended for personal use are currently not available. He thought it was "absurd to impose duties on people that they cannot fulfill at all".

Against the background of these developments, it is also absurd what textile manufacturer Tom Laufer from Nuremberg is currently experiencing. He had the 800 employees produce organic cotton masks instead of polo shirts for his sales partner in Bosnia - and is now stuck on around a million face masks . "I thought I could keep my seven employees on wages and bread and do something against Corona," he said in an interview with the Bild newspaper.

Debate about mask requirement due to shortage of goods - but a retailer cannot get rid of masks

Laufer then contacted authorities and associations. The Federal Ministry of Health, the Bavarian Ministry of Health, hospitals, supermarkets, old people's homes - but nobody wants the masks . The reason given by the Federal Ministry of Health: Laufer's masks are not so-called FFP2 masks , which would filter out almost everything. "Perhaps they are not suitable for medical purposes, but they are safe for the general public, " says Laufer.

In view of the fact that FFP2 masks are already scarce for healthcare professionals, virologists like Christian Drosten also recommend wipes to cover the mouth and nose . In some countries where the mask requirement already applies, shawls and scarves are expressly considered to be adequate protection for the mouth and nose . In this respect, the rejection of Laufer's masks in Germany is actually extremely questionable.

The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder recently indicated that the mandatory mask will come. Now he was harvesting for one

Appearance at Munich Airport

where he received a protective mask delivery, harsh criticism.

How is the Corona crisis going on in Germany? Jens Spahn and the RKI are giving a corona update on Thursday. *

Corona mask requirement? World Medical President Montgomery is skeptical

Update from April 7, 5:32 pm: German politics seems to be heading towards your mask requirement - World Medical President Frank Ulrich Montgomery is skeptical about this idea in the fight against the spread of the corona virus. "Personally, I don't think much of the mask requirement," said Montgomery on Tuesday in the radio station Bayern 2 . "Anyone who carries the virus should wear a mask. But that is not 83 million that Mr. Söder wants to make happy with his mask requirement, but that is still only 130,000 at the moment. ”


World Medical President Frank Ulrich Montgomery

© dpa / Monika Skolimowska

The very high quality masks with full protection should be reserved for medical personnel , Montgomery said. “There are currently no general masks for everyone to buy. And I think it is absurd to impose duties on people that they cannot perform at all. "Self-knitted or other masks would" even be rejected by the World Health Organization because the virus can concentrate in them and the infection can be promoted when you touch it. "

However, he also “sewed a mask on himself and of course I wear a mask when I go public, also to express my solidarity and my courtesy towards my fellow human beings. But you have to wash them often, you have to take care of them, this mask. ”

Corona mask requirement? Söder makes a clear announcement: "Of course it will end ..."

Update from April 7, 1:35 p.m .: When Austria announced a mask requirement in supermarkets, the German politicians and scientists spoke out against this step in Germany. In the meantime, however, the view of the measure seems to be changing. Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder said in a press conference on Tuesday * that if the Corona measures were relaxed, a mask requirement would “ most likely ” come. Then he became even clearer and said: "Of course there will be a form of mask obligation in the end."

Is the corona mask requirement coming in Germany? Merkel and Söder comment

Update from April 6, 9.40 p.m .: Is a mask compulsory in Germany ? Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) expressed her reluctance on Monday - but also declared a willingness in principle to follow new scientific findings: Meanwhile, "the opinion of the experts is changing - and we will not oppose it," she emphasized at a press conference.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) agreed on Monday evening that the wearing of masks could be expanded more and more in the future. “We have to prepare people for a life with the pandemic. Of course, this includes the increased wearing of masks, ”said the CSU chairman on the ARD. In addition, parts of the federal government's exit strategy for the exit from the corona measures have been leaked. *

Update of April 6, 1:50 p.m .: A concept paper from the Interior Ministry is now to reveal Germany's plans for an exit from the Corona measures. However, there is also talk of introducing a mask requirement in return for easing other measures. The wearing of protective masks on buses and trains and in buildings should be mandatory as soon as enough masks are available. Read more details here.

Corona mask requirement in Germany? Söder changes opinion - "There is much to be said ..."

First report from April 6th:

Munich - Despite the measures taken, the corona virus is still on the rise in Germany *. The number of infected people has now exceeded 100,000 * for the first time. In Austria *, an obligation to wear a mask, for example in supermarkets, was enacted. Since then, the introduction of this measure has also been discussed in Germany.


Markus Söder often led the way in the corona crisis.

© dpa / Peter Kneffel

Germany: Mask Obligation in Corona Crisis? Söder takes a stand

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder now warned against the misconception that from April 20, the end of the ban on contacts, everything would be as it was before the Corona crisis. Söder also spoke to Bild am Sonntag about a general mask requirement in Germany . After giving a clear rejection to one in the past week, he now said:

"I am not an opponent of the obligation to wear a mask, there is a lot to be said for that. We will definitely see more use of masks. ”However, the masks could not replace a curfew or a contact block *. In addition, you need "proper masks", says Söder, "a cloth or a scarf alone is not enough".

A big request: Even with the beautiful weather outside, continue to pay attention to the applicable rules. Sport and walking only please, with family or partner. Otherwise we will endanger our success in the fight against #Corona. #bayerngeneinsam

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) April 5, 2020

Corona virus in Germany: Söder calls for national "emergency production" for protective masks

For a better supply of masks in Germany, according to Söder, "national emergency production" is needed. Söder also spoke about the internationally competitive market for protective masks: In the long run, it was “not acceptable” that one had to defend oneself against “wild west methods” from other nations. "All of this is a great test of character - also for international relationships," said Söder.

Söder was referring to the announcement that the United States had bought certain masks for France on a tarmac in China by outbidding the offer from Europe. *

Prime Minister Boris Johnson spent the night in intensive care because of Covid 19 symptoms. The prime minister receives four liters of oxygen.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

Rubric list image: © dpa / Zikri Maulana

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