The Limited Times

Governing in recovery, the new challenge of Boris Johnson

4/10/2020, 6:10:22 PM

The British fear a wavering at the top of the state, while the health crisis requires difficult decisions.

As the epidemic soared and prolonged containment was looming, the United Kingdom was finally able to enjoy a positive note. The announcement of Boris Johnson's release from intensive care on Thursday evening reassured him after the shock caused by his hospitalization on Sunday. It had been three nights since the Prime Minister was transferred to this unit. Now he is in a less alarming environment.

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Announcing that he was now in another department of the hospital and that he had taken a few steps between rest periods, the Prime Minister's spokesman said that he was "placed under close surveillance" during this "initial phase of his convalescence" . While assuring that "his morale is extremely good" , he said that his return to executive positions would depend on "the opinion of his medical team" . This improvement is far from signifying a full return

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