The Limited Times

Report: Turkey delivered medical protection equipment to Israel Israel today

4/10/2020, 8:04:16 AM

the Middle East

Bloomberg reports that Erdogan has approved the transfer of masks, sterile gloves and equipment to Israel • Turkish official: "Israel will return supplies to the Palestinian Authority"

Turkey has begun supplying masks, corona protection equipment and sterile gloves to Israel, the Bloomberg network reported Friday morning. This is a significant move by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which may signal renewed warming in the Ankara-Jerusalem relationship.

Such an sale requires the approval of the Erdogan administration - which has indeed been accepted. "In return, Israel is expected to approve a separate supply to the Palestinian Authority," a Turkish official told Bloomberg.

More on:

• Corona spread in Israel: deaths increased to 92, more than 10,000 people infected with the virus

• General curfew in the country: can be moved from city to city for equipping and in emergencies

• Half of those deceased from Corona - 80 years of age or older

• Corona virus has reached the Saudi royal house

Three Israeli cargo planes were reportedly landed yesterday at the Turkish Air Force base "Injirlik" in the south of the country, near the city of Adana, to collect the supplies. "Medical equipment will be donated to the Palestinian Authority in the coming days," a Turkish official said.

The Airgirl base, from which supplies were taken, is famous for operating from the Turkish Air Force, the US Air Force and NATO. It is also known for storing dozens of atomic bombs. Against the Taliban in Afghanistan following the September 11, 2001 attacks, as well as the 2003 Iraqi civil war.

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