The Limited Times

Tracing application: is Bluetooth respectful of privacy?

4/10/2020, 7:04:11 PM

This system, favored by the government, could make it possible to warn a person if they come across someone infected with the coronavirus.

THE QUESTION. The government has announced that it is working on setting up an application to track people, in order to follow a possible progression of the Coronavirus in the population. The goal is to warn a person if they meet someone who is sick. For this application, the government has set its sights on Bluetooth, on the grounds that this technology is " respectful of privacy ". What is it really ?

CHECK. First, you have to understand what Bluetooth is. It is a pairing technology, that is to say to establish a link between two nearby devices. Its range is limited, between 10 and 20 meters depending on the device. It is generally used to connect a smartphone with earphones or wireless headphones. It is also used to connect a computer with a wireless keyboard and / or mouse, or to connect a printer. These are just a few examples. In the case that interests us - a “StopCovid” application

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