The Limited Times

Brussels: 43 police custody after riots in full containment

4/11/2020, 7:25:05 PM

Belgian police arrested on Saturday 11 April 43 people who had taken part in a riot after a fatal collision between a police car and a young man on a scooter. The unrest started on Friday when a police patrol asked to stop a 19-year-old man who was driving a scooter in the Anderlecht district. While officials chased the two-wheeler, it collided with a second police car and its driver was killed instantly.

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After Friday evening punctuated by several incidents, riot police deployed on Saturday to disperse young demonstrators who had gathered, responding to calls made on social networks. Two police officers and seven demonstrators were slightly injured during the incidents, the mayor of Anderlecht Fabrice Cumps told AFP. "The situation is clearly under control" but the police remain mobilized, expecting "new troubles either tonight (Saturday) or tomorrow (Sunday) " .

The mayor, who said he had met the young man's family, believes that the young man's death is "a pretext for the troublemakers" , while the country has been confined for four weeks to stop the spread of the new coronavirus .