The Limited Times

Coronavirus in France: 353 new deaths in hospital, 13,832 deaths including Ehpad since the start of the epidemic

4/11/2020, 5:43:11 PM

According to the latest assessment from the Director General of Health released this Saturday, 6,883 patients are currently being treated in intensive care. Or 121

France deplores this Saturday a total of 13832 deaths linked to the coronavirus since the beginning of the epidemic, that is 643 more than the day before all establishments combined. The Director General of Health, Jérôme Salomon, has drawn up the last updated assessment of the Covid-19 crisis, on this 26th day of confinement.

Regarding mortality, a third of the deaths still concern people living in nursing homes: 4,889 out of 13,823. Health authorities deplore this Saturday nearly 290 disappearances in these medico-social establishments, against 433 on Friday. And 8,943 infected people died in the hospital (+353 this Saturday).

A positive sign: the downward trend continues in intensive care and intensive care. For the third consecutive day, the number of serious cases currently managed in these services fell slightly (-121). This Saturday there are 6883 on the whole territory, against 7004 Friday, and 7066 Thursday. Jérôme Salomon speaks of a “thinning” but asks to remain vigilant in this context of “high plateau”.

More generally, 31,159 people have been hospitalized since the start of the epidemic (+2044 in the last 24 hours). And 26,390 returned to their homes because they were considered cured.

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