The Limited Times

Oxford University: A possible vaccine for Corona virus may be ready in September

4/11/2020, 3:19:05 PM

LONDON-SANA, a researcher at the University of Oxford revealed that she and a team of scientists have devised a vaccine for Coronavirus


A researcher at the University of Oxford revealed that she and a team of scientists have devised a coronavirus vaccine that could be available to the general public by next September.

Professor Sarah Gilbert, a professor of vaccines at Oxford University, said in an interview with the British newspaper The Times that she and her team "have already devised a possible vaccine and human trials will begin in two weeks".

She added that she is 80 percent confident of the success of the experiments based on other studies we conducted with this type of vaccine.

Although most pharmaceutical experts say it may take up to 18 months for a vaccine to be developed and distributed worldwide, Gilbert believes that allowing volunteers from places that have not been successful in closing procedures to prevent the spread of infection will accelerate clinical trials.