The Limited Times

Sanders' legacy

4/11/2020, 10:55:17 PM

Joe Biden remains as a Democratic candidate for the presidency but would do well to include in his program the social proposals of Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders' resignation from the Democratic Party nomination for the United States presidential leaves former Vice President Joe Biden as a future rival from the progressive ranks against Donald Trump, in the midst of a still uncontrolled health crisis and with figures of unparalleled economic collapse .

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Under normal circumstances, had he followed Biden's rise in the Democratic primary, Sanders may have made the same decision later, but his passing alongside at this point highlights the Vermont senator's sense of status. His Democratic rival can focus now on getting the head of state to fall back, contrary to what is happening now, on a figure capable of bringing together and leading the whole of society in the face of the tremendous challenge he faces in the coming years. .

Biden presents a service record far removed from the current White House tenant, both for his experience of Government at all levels and for his results. You already know what it's like to start governing with millions of people in the ranks of the unemployed with an economy reeling and to reverse the situation. And he knows how to do it with an inclusive speech, as has been demonstrated in the primaries, where this 77-year-old white man has obtained the overwhelming support of the black population, the most relegated and discriminated against in the United States.

But the reversal of circumstances puts more value than ever before the ideas defended by Sanders, especially his emphasis on the urgent fight against inequality, the urgent need for universal health care, the inexistence of which is proving fatal, or basic income. Biden would do well to study Sanders' agenda or include the sensitivity of the movement represented by the senator in the figure of his vice-presidency, because the Covid-19 is going to make social-democratic policies more necessary than ever to guarantee not only welfare, but in some cases, survival itself.

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