The Limited Times

Corona virus in Germany: violations of corona rules - a city reports "sad record"

4/12/2020, 5:07:29 PM

The coronavirus cases in Germany are increasing. Experts and researchers always have an eye on the situation and development. The police monitor compliance with the corona rules - also on Easter Sunday.

The coronavirus cases in Germany are increasing. Experts and researchers always have an eye on the situation and development. The police monitor compliance with the corona rules - also on Easter Sunday.

  • The corona virus * affects public life in Germany.
  • The number of infected people and the number of deaths are increasing.
  • A relaxation of the corona protective measures * is still a long way off.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus and the previous corona news from Germany for reading. You can also find current case numbers in Germany as a map. The following recommendations for corona protective measures are currently available.

Corona virus in Germany - police take stock of Easter - Halle reports “sad record”

Update from April 12, 5:58 p.m .: On Easter Thursday, the Germans largely adhered to the Corona rules. The police in the individual federal states are satisfied with the behavior. There were only occasional violations.

In Halle (Saxony-Anhalt), the police and regulatory authorities have found numerous violations of corona rules. The police have 22 reports, the regulatory office has 91 reports, said Mayor Bernd Wiegand (independent) on Sunday. In this context, he spoke of a " sad record ".

The majority of the ads are due to crowds of people across the city. As a rule, these were between five and eight people tall.


Corona virus in Germany: In Halle (Saxony-Anhalt) there were numerous operations due to the corona rules.

© dpa / Jan Woitas

Corona virus in Germany: new numbers give hope

Update of April 12, 10:23 p.m .: The corona virus has been spreading for weeks, now the numbers of infected people in Germany are increasing more slowly than initially thought. With the current figures from the Robert Koch Institute, a positive trend could now be seen for the first time.

Accordingly, the current number of people recovered exceeds for the first time the current number of people tested positive for Covid-19 in Germany. Around 60,000 people are now considered healthy again. Around 59,000 people are still fighting the virus in Germany. Has the crisis reached its peak ?

Over the course of the day, the RKI will update the numbers of people newly tested on Covid-19.

Are there long-term effects of coronavirus infection? Experts are now suspicious.

Corona virus in Germany: majority of Germans are required to wear protective masks

Update from April 12, 7:39 am: Will the strict measures to contain the corona virus be relaxed soon?

The majority of Germans are in favor of making protective masks compulsory, at least in certain places. According to a survey by the opinion research institute YouGov on behalf of the German Press Agency, 33 percent want to limit such a duty as in Austria to supermarkets.

Another 21 percent believe that protective masks in general should be worn in public to counter the spread of the coronavirus. Only 37 percent are against a protective mask requirement, 9 percent did not provide any information.

In Austria, the government ordered protective masks to be worn in supermarkets at the end of March . In Germany, such a duty has so far only existed in the Thuringian city of Jena . It applies to shops, buses, trains and other closed rooms including workplaces until April 19. The Thuringian district of Nordhausen wants to follow suit after Easter .

So far, there are no such plans nationwide. It is controversial among experts to what extent you can protect yourself and others from the transmission of the virus with a mouth and nose mask.

Corona crisis in Germany: Frenchmen insulted at the border and thrown at with eggs - "does not work at all"

Update from April 11, 9.45 p.m .: The corona crisis is causing strange blooms and brings out an unsightly side in some people. French people are said to have been insulted by Germans at the closed borders between the two countries and thrown at with eggs.

The Saarland Minister of Economic Affairs Anke Rehlinger (SPD) had already apologized for such derailments by tweet. Now Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas continued her message and wrote via Twitter: "It hurts to see how our French friends are sometimes insulted and approached because of Covid-19."

The SPD politician also wrote: “Such behavior is not possible. Apart from that: we are in the same boat! ”

Corona knows no nationality. It is the same with human dignity. It hurts to see how our French friends are sometimes insulted and approached because of #COVID ー 19. Such behavior is not possible. Apart from that: we are in the same boat!

- Heiko Maas (@HeikoMaas) April 11, 2020

Update at 5.20 p.m .: Checkers for compliance with the Corona contact rules sometimes live dangerously. Police officers were even attacked in Frankfurt, and several suspects had to be arrested temporarily.

The officials had noticed a group of people on Friday evening. When the law enforcement officers tried to question the rule breakers and got out of the car, a large stone crashed into a side window of the patrol car. This broke . Then several people ran away and made themselves out of the dust.

A little later, a second patrol car crew was attacked by about 20 people . "The men were partially armed with stones, roof battens and iron bars and were threatening to move towards the officers," the police said. When the patrol retreated, the group ran away. The officers then started the persecution, being thrown at by a five-kilo weight plate. This missed its target, so that no one was injured.

A helicopter was also used in the subsequent search for the troublemakers. Finally, police officers met six suspects aged between 23 and 31 in an apartment. Various weapons such as samurai swords, daggers or brass knuckles and fireworks were secured. The persons arrested are investigated for attempted dangerous bodily harm and particularly serious breaches of the peace.

Corona virus in Germany: Spahn announces certain one-time grant

Update at 11.40 a.m .: Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) is planning financial support for other parts of the healthcare system in view of the Corona crisis . Due to the falling number of patients, therapists, dentists and rehabilitation facilities for parent-child cures are now to be financially supported, as the newspapers of the editorial network Germany (RND) reported on Saturday. A corresponding new ordinance from the Ministry of Health will come into force next week.

"Many patients are understandably reluctant to seek medical help at the moment," Spahn told the RND. Therapists and dentists are therefore breaking down the income.” Institutions for parent-child cures also need support. "In order to maintain well-functioning structures, we will cushion losses and secure liquidity," said the minister.

Specifically, it is planned that so-called therapeutic providers such as physiotherapists, speech therapists or occupational therapists will receive 40 percent of the remuneration from the fourth quarter of 2019 as a one-time grant. According to the report, the aid amounts to around EUR 730 million.

Coronavirus in Germany: RKI reports new numbers - that of the newly infected declines


Coronavirus - Frankfurt / Main

© dpa / Frank Rumpenhorst

Update at 9:25 a.m .: According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) , the number of confirmed infections in Germany rose by 4,133 to 117,658. However, it is positive that the number of newly infected people was slightly less than the previous day - about 5,000 cases were reported. The number of deaths rose to 2,544 - that's 171 more. However, cases of delayed reporting were frequently reported last weekend. At the same time, the number of recovered patients increased by 3,530 to 57,443 within 24 hours.

Update at 8:41 a.m .: An infection with the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus can not only manifest itself with fever, cough and breathing difficulties, but also cause neurological symptoms . This is the result of a study by Chinese scientists with patients in Wuhan, the epicenter of the pandemic, from which the virus spread worldwide.

As the doctors report in the journal JAMA Neurology, a good third of the 214 patients they examined showed signs that the virus had damaged the nervous system. The most common symptoms included dizziness and headache, as well as olfactory and taste disorders.

Reports of corona patients losing their sense of smell and taste , at least temporarily, had accumulated in the past few days. These symptoms indicated that the brain was involved, said infectiologist Bernd Salzberger from the Regensburg University Hospital. “So far, there have been very few examinations of the brain of corona patients . We are still in the dark. "

Sars and also Mers - also diseases caused by a coronavirus - are known to cause damage to the nervous system . For both infections it has been experimentally proven that the virus can enter the brain via the olfactory nerves in the nasal cavity.

Corona in Germany: virus probably not only attacks the lungs - mood change among Germans?

Update from April 11, 8:33 am: Smoking is harmful to health - that is known. In the course of the current corona pandemic, one thing must be clear: smokers with tobacco-related diseases should protect themselves particularly against infection with the virus.

An expert is convinced that smokers infected with the coronavirus are at higher risk for a severe course of the lung disease Covid-19 . "Studies from China and the USA show that this risk is higher in cases of previous tobacco-related diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and cancer," said Ute Mons from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg.

Individual studies indicated increased mortality for this group. "The current Covid-19 pandemic can be an additional motivation to quit smoking," emphasized the head of the DKFZ Cancer Prevention Unit.

Corona in Germany: changing mood among the people? Saxony threatens psychiatry

Update 9:20 pm: Is there a disturbing change in the mood of the corona among the population? As Der Spiegel reports, a weekly survey shows that Germans are now less serious about the risk of the corona virus. Psychologist Cornelia Betsch from the University of Erfurt evaluated the results of the study. It now made alarming changes. The risk awareness of Germans is decreasing.

A Civey survey comes to a similar result. According to this, 62 percent of Germans are clearly or rather optimistic that the country will come through the Corona crisis well. The acceptance of government measures is waning - and especially displeasure is growing among the younger generation, writes Der Spiegel .

The same results from a mobility analysis using cell phone data . Dirk Brockmann from the Berlin Humboldt University evaluates the movement data and finds that the Germans are on the road again significantly more .

Corona crisis in Germany: Saxony threatens to refuse psychiatry

Update 7.40 p.m .: Is Germany facing the most violent Corona week? According to calculations by US researchers from the Institute for Health and Evaluation , the University of Washington, the peak of the coronavirus death wave is to be reached in Germany on April 19. By August there are said to be around 8,800 corona deaths in this country.

Update 7:20 p.m .: The MDR reports that Saxony wants to block quarantine refusers in psychiatric clinics . The State Department of Social Affairs said that 22 rooms in four clinics had already been cleared to detain quarantine refusers. This means infected people who violate conditions. Saxony's Minister of Social Affairs Petra Köpping (SPD) told the MDR: "If it should happen in individual cases that people oppose the orders, it is necessary to enforce the measures ordered by the health authorities." Then the police are asked .

Update 5 p.m .: Markus Lanz had a controversial discussion on Maundy Thursday about the actual danger posed by the novel corona virus - with surprising theses by a forensic doctor from Hamburg *.

Update 1:01 p.m .: Covid 19 patients can develop severe symptoms. Doctors at the University Hospital Aachen have presented a study on 50 corona patients for the first time. Sick people deal with intubation differently.

Corona in Germany: drones and zeppelin against corona violations

Update 9 a.m .: In the fight against the corona virus, the Italian police monitored the population with drones. The NRW police are currently testing the use of drones, reports the media. The contact blocks with drones are to be monitored from the air at particularly well-known meeting points in Düsseldorf and Dortmund. The Baden-Württemberg police have already announced that they will monitor corona violations from a zeppelin.

Corona virus in Germany: number of corona deaths in Germany increases to 2373

Update of April 10, 8.32 a.m .: According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the number of deaths in connection with Covid-19 in Germany has increased by 266 to 2373. In the meantime, 113,525 corona cases have been registered. 5323 more than the previous day.

Johns Hopkins University (JHU) reported 118,235 infected and 2607 dead. 52,407 people have therefore recovered.

Coronavirus in Germany: Blocking contact turns things around - say researchers

Update from April 9, 10:31 p.m .: This news is exactly what many Germans want to hear in the current corona crisis: According to a simulation by a Göttingen scientist , people in Germany will soon be able to relax the Covid 19 restrictions hope . "If the restrictions in social life are maintained for about ten more days , the measures may be relaxed, " said a message from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization in Göttingen on Thursday. However, it was also emphasized that the existing rules would first have to be followed very carefully.

According to the simulation, the contact restrictions have broken the dreaded exponential spread of the virus . "We see a clear effect of the contact block on March 22nd, and of course the contribution of every single person," said Viola Priesemann, head of a research team at the Max Planck Institute. "Our society can be really proud that it has achieved this turnaround." The overall development is encouraging , but not yet the all-clear . "If the restrictions are lifted now, we will be right at the beginning," warned Priesemann. "We see very clearly: the number of cases in two weeks now depends on our behavior."

Hopeful trend: The # Corona epidemic in Germany is weakening. This results in a statistical analysis by Leipzig's Max Planck mathematicians @mpiMathSci. However, only if social behavior does not change #StayHome #CoronaDeutschland

- Max Planck Society (@maxplanckpress) April 8, 2020

While the social discussion in Germany is increasingly focusing on exit strategies, the Ecuadorian metropolis Guayaquil threatens to sink into catastrophic conditions. Corona dead are lying there on the street for days at a time - and the government is obviously completely overwhelmed.

Corona virus in Germany: 112,600 infected and 2301 deaths officially confirmed

Update from April 9, 8:51 p.m .: At least 112,600 corona infections have been registered in Germany by Thursday evening. This was the result of an evaluation by the German Press Agency, which takes into account the latest federal state figures. For comparison: on the previous day, more than 108,100 infections were confirmed by 8:15 p.m. In addition, at least 2301 people infected with the coronavirus have died nationwide . That number was 2071 the previous day at 8:15 p.m.

According to estimates by the Robert Koch Institute , around 46,300 people have also survived the corona infection . Bavaria still has particularly high numbers of infected people with more than 29,200 infections and at least 653 deaths, North Rhine-Westphalia with more than 23,600 cases and at least 456 deaths, and Baden-Württemberg with more than 22,200 cases and at least 564 corona deaths.

Based on 100,000 inhabitants , Bavaria has the most infections with a value of 223.8 . The national average was 135.5 . However, it must be taken into account that the number of tests per 100,000 inhabitants varies in the federal states. Experts continue to expect a high number of unreported cases.

Corona virus: Commercial return flight planned for Germans stuck in Turkey

Meanwhile, there is good news for Germans who are stuck in Turkey because of the corona crisis. For them, there should be another commercial direct flight home at short notice. A message sent by the German consulate general in Istanbul on Thursday said that Eurowings was planning a flight from Istanbul to Cologne-Bonn for Saturday.

The flight can be booked on the airline's website. The consulate recommended "to use this commercial travel option". A return program of the federal government is not planned for Turkey . In addition, it is not certain whether and when there will be further travel options.

Corona virus in Germany: Court overturns Easter travel ban

Update of April 9, 6:06 p.m .: Although Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn warned in the federal press conference on Thursday afternoon not to return to normal too quickly , the Greifswald Higher Administrative Court has now lifted a restriction to curb the spread of corona. On Thursday, the federal government's travel ban for residents of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania surprisingly overturned in two urgent proceedings .

You can now go on day trips to the Baltic Sea islands, the coast and the lake district over Easter . Paragraph 4a of the corresponding ordinance was suspended until a decision was taken in the main, the court said. In the meantime, the administrative court in Stuttgart has received a request from the state of Baden-Württemberg. The country wants to postpone a decision on diesel driving bans in the state capital, which should actually be made in April. One of the reasons for this is the corona pandemic.

Corona virus in Germany: RKI boss warns against overvaluation of the numbers

Update from April 9, 3:13 p.m .: RKI President Lothar Wieler also warned at the Federal Press Conference not to overestimate the positive developments of the past few days . "You cannot really expect relaxation yet," said Wieler, referring to the numbers of newly infected people, which would fluctuate strongly at the moment. In addition, Wieler announced that the RKI wanted to conduct three large studies, which should provide information on the number of unreported cases of the infected. The first results can already be expected in May. You can read the detailed statements by the RKI President here.

Update from April 9, 2:37 p.m .: The Federal Press Conference is taking place in Berlin at these moments. Health Minister Jens Spahn , Family Minister Franziska Giffey and RKI President Lothar Wieler will once again comment on the current situation in the Corona crisis before Easter.

Spahn emphasized that the government measures would have an effect and would have flattened the infected curve. At the same time, the Minister of Health warned against returning to normal too quickly. Especially over the Easter holidays, you have to make sure that you don't endanger what you have achieved. Then the restrictions would continue.

Corona virus in Germany: harvest workers from Romania landed in Berlin-Schönefeld

Update from April 9, 1.43 p.m .: The first harvest helpers from Romania have landed at Berlin Schönefeld Airport. Two more planes are still expected, said an airport spokeswoman. A total of around 530 workers are expected to arrive in Schönefeld on Thursday.

Today our new round of # harvester flights starts. Our flight from Craiova / Romania to Berlin alone counted 163 passengers. The same applies here: safety comes first! Thanks to everyone who made it possible! Now inform about # harvest helper flights:

- Pro Sky Group (@ProSkyGroup) April 9, 2020

Coronvirus in Germany: Thousands of federal police officers quarantined because of suspected corona

Update from April 9, 1:33 pm : The corona virus hits the federal police. Due to suspected coronavirus infection, 1,042 members of the Federal Police were in quarantine by the March 31 deadline. This comes from information provided by the Federal Ministry of the Interior to Benjamin Strasser, FDP member of the Bundestag, reports the dpa news agency.

Coronavirus in Germany: Virologist Streeck presents first results

Update from April 9, 10.47 a.m .: North Rhine-Westphalia informed in a press conference about the current state of research in the particularly affected district of Heinsberg . Prof. Hendrik Streeck presents an interim result of the Covid 19 research. According to this, 15 percent of the community in Gangelt are immune - so they would have had a coronavirus infection. According to virologist Streeck, the death rate for Covid-19 is less than one percent, significantly lower than previously feared.

How is the Corona crisis going on in Germany? Jens Spahn and the RKI are giving a corona update on Thursday. *

Corona virus: The current situation in Germany

Update from April 9, 9:56 a.m .: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin reports the current number of cases in connection with Covid-19. In Germany, 108,202 people are infected with the corona virus - an increase of 4974 since the previous day. So far, 2107 deaths have been registered. The RKI only takes the electronically transmitted figures from the federal states into account and updates them once a day.



Difference from the previous day


100,000 inh.





































Mecklenburg-West Pomerania





Lower Saxony





North Rhine-Westphalia








































Source: RKI as of April 9, 00:00 a.m.

Bavaria has developed into a hot spot in the coronavirus pandemic. Prime Minister Markus Söder believes that a mask requirement is essential. In the eyes of world medical president Frank Ulrich Montgomery, the CSU boss is wrong, reports * - not only with this assessment.

Coronavirus in Germany: fasting month Ramadan 2020 without fasting

Update of April 9, 9:35 a.m .: In view of the coronavirus pandemic, the Islam umbrella organization Ditib advises risk groups in the Islamic month of fasting Ramadan to be cautious. Sick people, for example, are already freed from fasting and should also use this opportunity, General Secretary Abdurrahman Atasoy told the dpa news agency. Ramadan begins on April 24 and ends a month later with the Sugar Festival.

Corona virus in Germany: FC Bayern professional Arjen Robben warns

Update of April 9, 6:11 a.m .: 113,296 coronavirus cases are registered in Germany, reports the Johns Hopkins University. The death toll is 2,349 (as of April 9, 6:15 a.m.). 46,300 people recovered from Covid-19.

Former FC Bayern professional Arjen Robben is now warning against underestimating the corona virus , reports *. To his dismay, the 36-year-old knows what he is talking about.

Corona virus in Germany: unreported cases of corona cases - only every sixth case known?

Update April 8, 10:28 p.m .: Germany is one of the countries with the most corona infections and deaths worldwide. But according to calculations by Göttingen researchers , the number of unreported cases is probably even higher . Taking this high number of unreported cases into account , more than 460,000 people in Germany had already been infected with the corona virus by the end of March .

The development economists Christian Brommer and Sebastian Vollmer have calculated that 15.6 percent of the infections have so far been detected , the university said.

To check the quality of the official case records, the researchers used data from a study on the mortality rate of Covid-19 and the period until the death of those affected, among other things. Based on this, economists assume that the number of corona infections in all affected countries may be significantly higher than previously thought.

Coronavirus in Germany: 108,193 infections and 2071 deaths confirmed

The scientists suspect that on average only around six percent of all infections have been detected . According to their calculations, the actual number of infected people worldwide may have reached tens of millions . The officially confirmed coronavirus numbers for Germany were published by the German press agency on Wednesday evening. By then, at least 108,193 people infected and at least 2,071 deaths from Covid-19 had been reported. For comparison: on the previous day there were 103,036 infections and 1,815 deaths until 8:15 p.m.

In the fight against the corona virus, a protective mask obligation also seems to be becoming more and more likely in Germany. Most recently, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder had indicated that the duty will probably come in Bavaria. Criticism of Söder has now been heard online. The reason for this was a performance by the CSU politician at Munich Airport, where he received a protective mask delivery.

Update of April 8, 5:52 p.m .: At least 2007 people who were infected with the corona virus had died in Germany by Wednesday afternoon. This emerges from the daily evaluation by the German Press Agency, which takes into account the latest figures from the federal states. For comparison: the day before, it was 1747 until 4.15 p.m.

Coronavirus in Germany: At least 107,700 infections confirmed

Nationwide, at least 107,700 infections with Sars-CoV-2 were also registered . That number was 101,700 infections the day before. The Robert Koch Institute estimates that around 33,300 people in Germany have survived the corona infection . The federal government even assumes that 46,000 people have recovered.

Bavaria has particularly high numbers of infected people with more than 28,000 proven Covid-19 infections and at least 589 corona deaths, and North Rhine-Westphalia with more than 22,600 cases and at least 408 deaths. In addition, more than 20,600 corona infections and at least 464 deaths are registered in Baden-Württemberg .

Based on 100,000 inhabitants, Bavaria has the most infections with a value of 214.5. The national average was 129.6 infections per 100,000 inhabitants. In the meantime, a remarkable corona reaction could occur in the German Bundestag: Do members of parliament refrain from increasing their diets?

Corona virus in Germany: will summer vacation 2020 be canceled?

Update from April 8, 5:09 p.m .: Whoever is sitting in his booth may be making vacation plans. Experts put a damper on wanderlust. According to medical president Klaus Reinhardt, summer vacation in Germany will also be subject to massive restrictions.

"I do not think that the Germans can go on holiday trips again this summer," said the President of the German Medical Association to the newspapers of the Funke media group (Wednesday). Even with a gradual return to everyday life, the pandemic will still occupy the country. At the moment, the corona rules are still extremely strict. Does the state go too far? Experts do not agree on this either.

Corona in Germany: Virologists give little hope of normalcy for everyone

Update from April 8, 4 p.m .: Easter and the wonderful weather are fueling the debate about relaxing the strict measures in Germany. Some federal states are already loosening their corona rules, opening DIY stores and garden centers, while others continue to adhere to them meticulously. In Bavaria it is currently forbidden to read a book on the bank *. There will hardly be a valid solution for everyone, virologist Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit from the Hamburg Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine is convinced.

"We can see what other countries are doing, but in the end there are too many specific factors," Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit told And the list of these specific factors is therefore long. This included both the type of greeting, family structures, population density and public transport. New chains of infection are possible with every relaxation of the measure and are also difficult to predict.

According to virologist Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit, it is only possible to feel around gradually and then see how the numbers would develop. But it is also not a question of letting everything go, but of keeping the upper hand and braking again in an emergency, taking specific countermeasures.

Corona virus in Germany: Corona cases - new figures

Update from April 8, 2:21 p.m .: According to an evaluation by the Johns Hopkins University, the number of coronavirus infections in Germany has increased to 107,663 . Accordingly, 2,016 deaths are registered (as of April 8, 2:24 p.m.). 36,081 people have recovered from Covid-19.

Coronavirus in Germany: concerts, theater and gym - vouchers, no cash

Update from April 8, 1:06 p.m .: Concerts and theater performances are currently not taking place due to the Coronavirus measures. Gyms are also closed. The federal cabinet decided on Wednesday that customers have to make do with vouchers instead of cash. The vouchers are to be limited until the end of 2021.


Vouchers for canceled events and trips

© dpa / Jan Woitas

Corona virus in Germany: Lower Saxony loosens the corona rules for Easter

Update from April 8, 12.07 : Lower Saxony has relaxed its corona rules for Easter. Easter visits from family and close friends are now allowed. Hardware stores and garden centers have reopened since Wednesday. There was hardware store tourism to Bremen and North Rhine-Westphalia. Other countries, such as Bavaria, can only be jealous.

Corona in Germany: "Corona measures" recognizable by "positive trend"

Update from April 8, 9:49 am : According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), 103,228 people in Germany are infected with the corona virus . Compared to the previous day, there are 4003 more corona cases. 1861 people died in connection with Covid-19 (as of April 8, 7:50 am).

RKI boss Lothar Wieler once again expressed confidence in an interview with Deutschlandfunk on Wednesday. In his opinion, the strict measures showed a positive trend and can be seen in the figures.

“The measures that have been introduced by the political decision-makers help these measures. That is good, ”said Wieler. However, he also emphasized that it was just a snapshot. The all-clear cannot yet be given.

According to Wieler, the so-called reproduction number is currently 1.3 - with a certain fluctuation range. The number of reproductions indicates how many more people are infected on average by an infected person. The aim is to keep this number of reproductions below 1.0.

Corona in Germany: Government organizes "airlift" to purchase protective equipment

Update of April 8, 6:49 am: In the fight against the corona epidemic , the federal government has organized an "airlift" for transports with urgently needed protective equipment from China to Germany. This enables you to send a Lufthansa passenger plane to Shanghai every day for 25 tons of freight, as the German Press Agency learned from the Federal Ministry of Health. In addition, there are other transport options through the Ministry of Defense. Both measures should serve to be able to react flexibly to the flow of goods.

Protective equipment for medical personnel such as respiratory masks and suits are currently scarce worldwide, and the market is also extremely competitive. The federal government has therefore started central procurement in order to procure additional material for further distribution to medical practices, hospitals and nursing homes. Purchasing and delivery conditions are sometimes difficult - especially in China, which represents the majority of global protective mask production .


Coronavirus - Airbus brings millions of protective masks from China

© dpa

Corona in Germany: Domestic mask production company

In addition to procurement on the markets, the federal government wants to set incentives to build up a production of masks and primary products such as fleece material in Germany. Investment grants are provided for when companies switch over to production, and purchase guarantees. According to the federal government, the aim is not only to meet short-term needs - but to replenish supplies for several months.

Corona in Germany: Unapproved active ingredient should be used in seriously ill patients

Update from April 7, 10:01 p.m .: At least 1,02,888 people have now been tested positive for Covid-19 in Germany, according to official information. The number of deaths in the past 24 hours increased by a further 219 in Germany.

Update of April 7, 8:42 p.m .: The number of people infected in Germany continues to increase every day, and the number of cases of infection in German nursing homes is now also increasing. As the ARD magazine "Faktor" reports on Tuesday, 226 people in German nursing homes are said to have died after being infected with the corona virus. In at least 331 nursing homes in Germany, residents or workers have now been tested positive for Covid-19 .

Corona in Germany: Unapproved active ingredient should be used in seriously ill patients

Update at 4:54 p.m .: If all other means have failed, particularly seriously ill corona patients may in future be treated with the not yet approved active ingredient remdesivir . The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices in Bonn has now approved that, a spokesman confirmed on Tuesday.

The drug was originally developed by a US pharmaceutical company against Ebola infections . The European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced last Friday that there were first signs of effectiveness against the coronavirus . The authority then recommended that the product be used in seriously ill patients without an alternative treatment. The German authority has now followed this recommendation.

Coronavirus in Germany: No statements can yet be made about the effectiveness of remdesivir

However, no statements can currently be made on the effectiveness of the drug, emphasized the spokesman for the German drug agency. There are only signs. "The results of ongoing clinical trials remain to be seen," it said. In March, three clinical testing procedures for the active ingredient as a remedy for corona infections were approved nationwide . However, it cannot be predicted how long these studies would take.

Update from April 7, 4:26 p.m .: While Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn calls on the population not to weigh themselves in the wrong safety given the decline in new corona infections, two pathology specialist associations are now demanding as many autopsies as possible for coronavirus infections who have died .

The Federal Association of German Pathologists (BDP) and the German Society for Pathology (DGP) said on Tuesday that this was necessary in order to learn more about the disease “and its often amazingly brilliant course ”. From the findings, the pathologists hope to derive further treatment options.

Corona virus in Germany: Pathology associations require many autopsies on corona deaths

According to their own statements, the associations contradict the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) with their demand that an internal physical examination and other measures in which tiny droplets are produced should be avoided. Although the risk of infection emphasized by the RKI is an important aspect , "but too narrow as a basis for decision-making ", the pathologists explained. The associations emphasized that post-mortem protection is guaranteed.

"BDP and DGP ask the RKI to inform the health authorities accordingly," it said in the message from the associations. According to this, a register for Covid-19 autopsies in German-speaking countries is currently being created at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen .

Corona virus in Germany: delivery of eight million protective masks on the way to Bavaria

Update from April 7, 2:02 p.m .: Because of the corona crisis , protective masks are currently in short supply in Germany. But now there is good news again: A large cargo plane is currently bringing eight million protective masks for the federal government into the country. The aircraft had started in Shanghai, China, on Tuesday morning and, after a stopover in Seoul, South Korea, is on its way to Munich , as Lufthansa announced. The plane is scheduled to land in the late afternoon.

And the auto supplier Prevent, according to its own information, is supplying protective equipment to the Federal Republic in view of the corona pandemic. "The first deliveries to Germany are already on the way," says a message published on Tuesday. Accordingly, the deliveries should go to a large pharmaceutical company and several clinic operators. The company was unable to provide exact information on the number of pieces. However, protective masks and protective suits in the seven-digit range are to be delivered this month.

Update of April 7, 1:06 p.m .: On the occasion of the corona crisis, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn made a statement together with Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann of Baden-Württemberg. Spahn emphasized that Baden-Württemberg was the most affected by the corona virus after Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia. " Corona knows no national borders and no party borders - we feel how important cooperation is at all levels," emphasized Spahn.

Corona virus in Germany: Spahn praises success - but warns of a false sense of security

In addition, he warned against the recent drop in the rate of new infections: " We must not weigh ourselves in the wrong safety . The situation is serious. ”Spahn emphasized that something had indeed been achieved. The number of new infections has decreased, the number of those recovering has risen and the health system can deal with the current situation. But these successes should not be wasted. " Easter and the next few days will be very important when it comes to continuing what we see the past few days," announced Spahn.

Update of April 7, 10.47 a.m .: At the request of several journalists, Wieler again discussed the mortality rate among corona sufferers at the RKI press conference. "We simply calculate the number of officially reported infections and among them the number of people who died - that is a simple three-point rate," explained Wieler. However, the RKI assumes that there are more deaths as a result of Covid-19 than the institute currently records .


RKI boss Lothar Wieler

© dpa / Michele Tantussi

Corona virus in Germany: RKI boss is not sure whether capacities will be sufficient in the future

"We will only be able to calculate the number of those who really died of Covid-19 in a few months," announced Wieler. The crucial point, however, is that we have enough beds to treat all sick people . And that is currently the case. However, when asked by a journalist whether the capacities will continue to be sufficient in the future, Wieler replied relatively cautiously. “There is currently enough capacity, but I cannot make a forecast . I hope that they will be enough, but I'm not sure. ”

Wieler is happy about every bed and every ventilator that we have in Germany. "Because each of these places will save lives, " he emphasized. It is therefore also good that many hospitals have increased their capacities.

At the RKI press conference, Wieler also presented a new app that is to help the institute curb the spread of coronavirus from now on. The “Corona Data Donation” app works with information that users of fitness bracelets and other tracking devices can voluntarily provide. You can read exactly how the app works on *.

Update from April 7, 10.25 a.m .: In addition to the current number of cases, RKI director Wieler also provided information about the number of reproductions , i.e. the number of people infected with a Covid 19. This number of reproductions, called R0 , is currently (as of April 7, 00:00) between 1.2 and 1.5 . In other words, a person infected with corona infects an average of 1.2 to 1.5 other people with the virus. It is "very gratifying" that the number of reproductions has decreased in the past few weeks , says Wieler. However, R0 is currently somewhat higher than last week . "However, this is a snapshot, " emphasized Wieler.

Corona virus in Germany: mortality rate increases - currently 1.6 percent

Update of April 7, 10:18 a.m .: According to RKI boss Wieler, the most common symptoms of corona infection are cough (in 52 percent of those affected), fever (in 42 percent of those affected) and runny nose (in 22 percent of those affected). As the RKI announced in the past few days, the proportion of deaths among corona sufferers has increased in recent days. This percentage is currently 1.6 percent, says Wieler.

Wieler cites an increasing number of outbreaks in old people's homes and nursing homes as well as a growing number of older people as reasons for the increasing mortality rate. Wieler also announced that the number of deaths and the mortality rate would continue to increase in the next few days . "The deceased sufferers are on average 80 years old," reports the RKI boss. “Of the 1607 deaths, 1,400 people are 70 years and older.” The youngest person who died in Germany as a result of a Covid 19 infection was 28 years old and had previous illnesses.

Update from April 7, 10.11 a.m .: Wieler also informed that the number of newly submitted cases in Germany is currently somewhat lower. However, one has to wait and see whether this is a trend or whether it is just a fluctuation. Wieler also reported that the national average is 119 corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants . However, there are strong regional differences. In Bavaria there are an average of 200 corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants, in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania there are 33 infections per 100,000 inhabitants. Wieler also said at the conference that the average age of sick people is 48 years, with men and women being affected equally often.

Corona virus in Germany: RKI director Wieler reports the current Covid 19 figures

Update from April 7, 10:05 a.m .: Lothar Wieler, head of the Robert Koch Institute, now provides information about the current corona numbers in Germany. There are currently a total of 99,225 reported Covid-19 infections in Germany as well as officially 1607 confirmed deaths due to the new lung disease. The deaths increased by 173 cases compared to the previous day.

Update of April 7, 8:00 a.m .: 103,375 corona cases have been registered in Germany by Tuesday morning (8:00 a.m.), reports Johns Hopkins University. 1,810 people died related to Covid-19. 36,081 people have recovered. In addition to these registered numbers, virologist Professor Alexander S. Kekulé estimates that the number of unreported corona infections is significantly higher *.

Within Germany, Bavaria is currently the state with the most corona infections and deaths . Prime Minister Markus Söder wants to speak again in a press conference on the corona situation in Bavaria on Tuesday. In addition, the Robert Koch Institute at 10 a.m. will once again provide information in a press conference on the latest confirmed number of cases and how to deal with the pandemic. Meanwhile, a photo on the social network provides amusement. It documents how some Munich residents seem to be busy at home during the Corona crisis *.

Corona pandemic: Germans have relatively little fear of corona disease

Update from April 7, 7.48 a.m .: According to a current survey, the new corona virus has so far hardly fueled German fears of a serious illness. Compared to 2019, this concern rose only moderately by 6 points from 35 to 41 percent, according to a representative special survey by R + V Versicherung on the fears of the Germans. This is the second lowest value in this area since 1992.

Meanwhile, criticism of Sweden's special path in the corona crisis is growing louder. Does it lead directly to a "catastrophe"?

Corona in Germany - Further fatalities in nursing homes

Update from April 6, 7.45 p.m .: Three residents in a nursing home in Hamburg , severely affected by the coronavirus, died last week as a result of Covid-19. "We can confirm the connection," said a spokesman for the Hamburg health authority on Monday. The three casualties are said to have been residents with pre-existing conditions.

According to the authorities on Monday , 47 people in the facility in the Wellingsbüttel district have now been infected with the corona virus: 38 residents and nine nurses. In order to protect the residents who tested negative for Covid-19, a total of 19 seniors, the authorities said they had been moved to another care facility.

Corona virus in Germany: can police officers pass the virus on?

Update from April 6, 6.55 p.m .: All over Germany , units of the state police and the federal police control compliance with the ban on contacts - sometimes in groups. They themselves can hardly keep to the social distancing they are supposed to monitor.

Is there a risk of infection from the police? Even more: Are they a few real corona superspreaders * ? A search for traces.

Update from April 6, 4:49 pm: In a press conference on Monday afternoon , Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke about a possible relaxation of the current corona measures.

"We would be a bad federal government if we did not think intensively about how we could start life up again, even if health protection was adhered to," said Merkel of a possible exit plan . At the same time, the federal government is also bad if it now names a specific date, Merkel continued. However, it was also clear that health protection was always a top priority even when public life was opened. "We continue to live in a pandemic." The virus will not simply go away.

However, the case numbers would show that one step forward, said Merkel. However, the time had not yet come to give the all-clear.

Corona virus in Germany: Chancellor Merkel on possible easing

"As soon as the health situation subsides, we will of course return to free life as we know it," said the Chancellor. That would happen step by step. However, Angela Merkel did not give details or a specific date.

A mouthguard requirement is not yet an issue - especially because there are currently not enough masks.

Our first announcement: Corona in Germany: Over 100,000 infected - Merkel publishes new details on the “exit date”

Berlin - The corona virus * has a firm grip on Germany . Public life comes to a standstill, people remain largely at home and follow the measures to curb further expansion.

Coronavirus in Germany: Relaxation of Corona Measures? - Seibert takes a stand

Germany is in standby mode and people are eagerly waiting for the protective measures to contain the coronavirus * to be relaxed. Schools and many shops are closed, football games have been canceled. Will Germany soon follow Austria and will protective measures be relaxed?

It currently doesn't look like it. Because unlike Austria, the federal government does not specify a fixed date for a gradual relaxation of the corona measures . Government spokesman Steffen Seibert referred on Monday to Chancellor Merkel's (CDU) statements from the weekend, according to which there is still no clear trend from the infection numbers. He referred to Merkel's statement that it was irresponsible to raise false hopes now.

Corona virus: Federal government calls "no exit date" for Germany

Compliance with all rules therefore remains "absolutely necessary". Seibert campaigned for understanding "that the federal government can no longer call an exit date or a fixed date" from which the measures could be relaxed. It was "not sensible to talk about individual possible steps," added the government spokesman.

Merkel said in her weekly podcast released on Friday evening that there were first signs of a slowdown in the spread of the coronavirus * . But it is "definitely too early to recognize a sure trend in it, and it is much too early to loosen the strict rules that we have given ourselves at any point," emphasized the chancellor .

Coronavirus in Germany: More than 100,000 infections

The virus continues to spread "at high speed" in Germany, according to Merkel. And this is also shown by the current Corona case numbers. According to John Hopkins University, Germany had more than 100,000 infections on Monday afternoon (as of April 6, 3:32 pm). According to statistics, 1,584 people died of Covid-19.

In Italy, however, a second wave of viruses is feared. Meanwhile, Spain has overtaken Italy. Nevertheless, there is a glimmer of hope. There is criticism of the Heinsberg study - virologist Christian Drosten is also involved.

* and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Hendrik Schmidt

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