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After the Corona: What will remain from Network 13? | Israel today

4/13/2020, 4:46:46 PM

Channel's pit deepens: VIP survival launch rejected, cancellations and re-broadcasts most often • When there are no commercials - how can you survive?

Channel's pit deepens: VIP Survival launch postponed, cancellations and re-broadcasts most often • When there are no commercials - how can you survive?

  • Is this the status description of a network right now?


    From the VIP Survival Promos

Television appears to be the best friend of man during the pandemic period, but have you thought for a moment what will be left of us in the era after?

Yesterday, at "Six with Oded Ben-Ami" on Request 12, Aitem longed for Liran a gray shirt, which the ban on crowds stripped him of the channel broadcasts, and his lack seems to be felt by some people. Through the channel, the shirt owner has strengthened citizens for the difficult moments. You might laugh at the bizarre, but it's another sign that the rainbow is as wide as possible to the Israeli mainstream, probably in times of crisis.

As Channel 2 achieved its official status as a tribal bonfire thanks to its state response during the national mourning days after Rabin's assassination, Keshet has just been anchored in the past month, establishing the country's channel, the contemporary tribal bonfire. The only button pressed on the remote. Take, for example, the Seder nights they picked up last week and put more than 17% in front of them, which is about 15 more than the average Christmas Eve average. No alternative on the other channels.

The request embraces the people in every niche. The broadcast schedule is meticulous and well thought out. Night List of Island List Singers (Yesterday, Shlomo Artzi), topical stand-up with Adir Miller (who also replayed yesterday, not yet funny), lots of "great country", cooking with chefs and mood videos with the talents; And a ratings bomb, such as a "first-hand wedding," whose chapters have been shortened to spread it over more broadcast days. Those who are less suited to the hugging and soothing vibe are a little pushed aside (e.g. Ofira and Barco).

Meanwhile, the second commercial channel is crashing like a Corona card tower coughed up. Just over a year after Channel Ten merged with a network, it is unclear how and if this mutation will survive the epidemic. "Big Brother" is over, the news company has fallen apart and continues to crumble even though it has endless hours of broadcasting around the clock. Without getting into the existing legal disputes, the attempt to cut back on plans and take out staff from the UAV is evident on the screen. The viewer is not dumb, so the viewing percentages respond accordingly.

It is impossible to understand what is broadcasting and when. Just posted that "The Daily Report" is cut off the grid, and yesterday it suddenly popped up at the attractive three to five o'clock;

There was a ready season of "survival." VIP promos aired and immediately disappeared. The launch is currently being postponed. Too much money has been invested in reality photography, and it's a shame to burn it on ad-free days. And that's the big problem. While a corporation here holds itself with a budget of NIS 730 million from state funds, while Cellcom, Partner, yes and HOT still charge a monthly subscription fee, commercial channels live on commercials, and most campaigns have been frozen and nothing to advertise then The tap closed.

If on other channels identify forward thinking about the days after - for example the union of "That's it!" And Gory and Lucy's Night Knight Here, 11, or "Comedy Store" in Partner and the like - so the network just cancels, floods, broadcast interviews with Jordan from "Big Brother" and plans a comeback of "laughter from work." Something ironic.

As the corona crisis lengthens, the pit of a network deepens. What is the chance that the channel will exist on the day they report on commercial distribution of Corona vaccine in commercial quantities and return to routine? At the moment, the chance is no higher than the chance that Amir from a "first-hand wedding" really is attracted to Danish more than her dog.

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