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Watch: 22 Wonder Women Fight Corona | Israel today

4/13/2020, 9:16:06 AM

Some of Gal Gadot's fans enjoy dressing up with her image • 22 of them joined the video to encourage hygiene during cinema

Gal Gadot has countless fans around the world, some of whom also enjoy dressing up to her character • 22 of them joined in an entertaining video to encourage hygiene during this period

Twenty-two Wonder Woman duplicates in full cosplay costume (cosplay is a custom in which people dress up as characters from animated and comic book series) have joined forces for Corona's fight all over the world.

22 "Wonder Womanies" are fighting in Corona

In a special video posted on the Instagram page, 22 "Wonder Womanies" from around the world are seen moving soap from one to the other, in order to mention the importance of maintaining hygiene.

The person behind the initiative is Freddie Slivinsky, who runs a successful Instagram page whose essence is duplicates of famous people.

He appealed to dozens of Gadot cosplay enthusiasts around the world, with 22 being selected.

The cosplay phenomenon is very common in the world, and can even be profitable for its successful ones. In a promotion interview for Gadot's gate at American Vogue, the star was asked who was responsible for the most special cosplay costume, and she replied "Wonder Bira" (number 11 in the video).

"The idea behind the video is that Wonder Woman saves the world, and here, too, she has the opportunity to help," Slivinsky explained. "I hope the video and the soap come to a wave. She will photograph herself with the soap, and all of them together will affect many people in the world and possibly save them."

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