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Baden-Württemberg: Lawyer calls for a demo against Corona - later she ends up in the psychiatric ward

4/14/2020, 7:40:13 PM

Baden-Württemberg is particularly badly affected by the coronavirus pandemic in Germany. Follow all developments here in the news ticker.

Baden-Württemberg is particularly badly affected by the coronavirus pandemic in Germany. Follow all developments here in the news ticker.

  • Baden-Württemberg is particularly hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic .
  • There are now even more corona deaths in the state than in North Rhine-Westphalia .
  • With reference to the pandemic-related exceptional situation, the country is now calling for a decision on diesel driving bans to be postponed .
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus * and the corona news from Germany. You can also find current case numbers in Germany here as a map *. The following recommendations for corona protective measures * are currently available.

Update, 7.15 p.m .: So after Austria now also Baden-Württemberg ? Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) is in favor of a "mask requirement" when shopping, in local transport or in schools, which should become a "mask requirement" as soon as sufficient masks are available.

The Südwest Presse and the Badische Zeitung report (Wednesday edition). Among other things, Kretschmann wants to propose this on Wednesday in a planned telephone switching conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) .


How is the Corona crisis going on in Baden-Württemberg? Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU, left) and Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens).

© dpa / Jana Hoeffner

The father of Baden-Württemberg wanted to maintain existing contact restrictions in the Corona crisis for the time being, it is said, but to promote a gradual and controlled opening of the economy and society.

Specifically, according to the reports, Kretschmann plead for "smaller openings in various service areas" from next week.

The prerequisite is compliance with binding hygiene and clearance rules. Classes in schools should therefore start on April 27th at the earliest, first for classes who are about to take final exams.

Corona crisis in Baden-Württemberg: Do test subjects get priority in schools?

Update, 6.45 p.m .: Test subjects should have priority when opening schools after the corona shutdown in Baden-Württemberg .

"It makes sense for us to start with the pupils who are going to take their final exams this year, because it is of course important that they have enough face-to-face classes to prepare for," explained Minister of Culture Susanne Eisenmann (CDU).

This also applies to students from vocational schools. The Association for Education and Upbringing (VBE) gave approval. More than 200,000 test subjects are affected, from 22,000 secondary school students to 30,000 high school students and 62,000 trainees in dual training.

‼ ️There will be a week between deciding when & how a gradual return to the #schools and the actual start. So there is enough time to prepare (personnel planning, hygiene measures ...)

- Ministry of Culture BW (@KM_BW) April 9, 2020

It is currently still unclear when school will continue. The Ministry of Culture had recently stated that "it would definitely be a week between deciding when and how a gradual return to school will be possible and the actual start".

Update, 5.15 p.m . : An incident from Heidelberg is currently receiving nationwide attention: A lawyer who, among other things, called on her website to resist corona exit restrictions and a nationwide demonstration against the corona virus regulations , has now ended up in psychiatry, as reported, among other things, by the portal .

Corona crisis in Baden-Württemberg: focus on Heidelberg lawyer

Before this unexpected turn, attorney Beate Bahner had caused a stir due to her protest against the massive interference by the state in public life in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic .

Public prosecutor's office in Heidelberg and the state protection department of the criminal police department in Heidelberg are investigating the lawyer on suspicion of having publicly called for an illegal act.


Due to the corona virus pandemic: the Neckar meadow in Heidelberg.

© dpa / Uwe Anspach

On Easter weekend, she got the officials' attention in another way. The Heidelberg police said they were alerted shortly before 8 p.m. on Sunday evening. At a crossing there is a woman who claims to be being followed. It was Bahner.

Coronavirus pandemic: lawyer called for demonstration against corona measures

Because of her conspicuous behavior, the officials decided to get medical help, the police said. The lawyer is said to have defended herself and kicked officials, whereupon she was brought to the psychiatric department of the Heidelberg University Hospital.

The prosecutor's office was now forced to issue a statement that admission to psychiatry had nothing to do with the investigation against the woman. "That definitely did not happen," the first prosecutor Thomas Bischoff told the news portal .

Coronavirus in Baden-Würrtemberg: Experts are skeptical about school openings

Update, 11:53 a.m .: Do primary schools in Baden-Württemberg open directly on Monday after the Easter holidays? A return to normal is currently being discussed.

Schools and daycare centers in Germany are still closed. The Baden-Württemberg primary school association doubts that schools will open quickly, reports the SWR .


Coronavirus - Waldenbuch

© dpa / Sebastian Gollnow

In order to plan the start of the lesson, the association chairman explained to the broadcaster that there was a lead time of one week.

Coronavirus in Baden-Würrtemberg - LKA itself carries out Sars CoV-2 tests

Update, 10:38 am : In Baden-Württemberg more than 24,898 coronavirus cases and at least 702 deaths related to Covid-19 are confirmed on Monday.

11,045 people have recovered. However, on Easter Monday, 15 of the 44 health departments did not send any data to the State Health Office.

The State Criminal Police Office (LKA) is now carrying out corona virus tests itself, Interior Minister Thomas Strobl announced. The Forensic Science Institute (CTI) is expanding its laboratory work for this. Up to 500 analyzes will soon be possible every day.

Coronavirus Baden-Württemberg: Protest against the ban on assembly

The news of April 13, 10:45 p.m .: Protest against the ban on assembly in the Corona crisis .

As the Stuttgarter Zeitung reports, around 20 people gathered on the Schlossplatz on Saturday to demonstrate against the exit restrictions imposed by the Infection Protection Act.


In corona times deserted: the Schlossplatz in Stuttgart from a bird's eye view.

© dpa / Uli Deck

The demonstrators have criticized a restriction of their fundamental rights, it is said. The police stepped in anyway - and ordered twelve people to be sent off.

Update, 8:25 p.m .: How many people in Germany and Baden-Württemberg have already been infected with the corona virus? This is speculated diligently.

"In all of Germany, we will currently be at a maximum of half a percent to one percent of the population," said Michael Hölscher, head of the Munich Tropical Institute of the Time .

Hölscher is currently carrying out a study with 3,000 people in Munich, at best to clarify how high the number of unreported corona infections * is. Ergo, how close the population in the Federal Republic is to herd immunity .

Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: Almost 25,000 confirmed corona cases

Update, 6.55 p.m .: The number of corona infected people in Baden-Württemberg increased to 24,898 registered cases on Easter Monday. This was announced by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration BW in the early evening via short message service Twitter .

According to this, 702 deaths with Covid-19 disease have been reported so far, the number of confirmed infections rose by 467. The ministry estimates the number of people suffering from coronavirus and who have recovered to 11,045.

Update, 5.15 p.m .: New statistics on the corona crisis in Baden-Württemberg .

According to the news portal * , the average age of those infected with coronavirus is currently 51 years, so the oldest patient with Covid 19 disease is 102 years old.

Among the deceased were 410 men and 258 women, a death without gender, the report said. 61 percent of the dead were 80 years or older, the range is 36 to 102 years.

Corona virus in Baden-Württemberg: Only in Bavaria are there more corona deaths

Update, 4.30 p.m .: The coronavirus pandemic is slowing down in Baden-Württemberg and throughout Germany - and yet the numbers are still worrying.

The @MSI_BW received 493 confirmed infections with the #Coronavirus from the State Health Office today. The number of infected people in Baden-Württemberg increases to a total of 24,431. Deaths: 669. Number of people recovered (estimate): 10,488

- Ministry of Social Affairs and Inclusion BW (@MSI_BW) April 12, 2020

As of Monday afternoon, there were more than 24,400 confirmed corona cases and at least 669 deaths from Covid 19 disease in Baden-Württemberg. The numbers are already from Sunday, so minimum numbers. More documented cases were registered nationwide in North Rhine-Westphalia - 26,900. However, NRW reported “fewer” deaths (613).

Most infections were found in Bavaria by Easter Monday (33,300). 834 people with Corona have died here . Based on 100,000 inhabitants, Bavaria has the most infections with a value of 254.9. The national average was 151.6.

Corona in Baden-Württemberg: Thomas Strobl demands - "Testing, testing, testing"

Update, 2.30 p.m .: How long do people in Germany and Baden-Württemberg have to endure in view of the massive exit restrictions and thus interventions in their lives? This question is heard more and more often.


Stuttgart: Jens Spahn (CDU, left), Federal Minister of Health, and Thomas Strobl (CDU, right), Minister of the Interior of Baden-Württemberg, talk to the DRK senior control center.

© dpa / Marijan Murat

Baden-Württemberg's Minister of the Interior, Thomas Strobl (CDU) , has now declared the intention to restart life and work in a planned and careful manner after Easter. “You can't paralyze a country forever. People would not be able to cope with this, nor would our economy, ”said Strobl, calling for a detailed concept of how to protect the groups of people most affected.

“One thing is particularly important for this: sufficient protective equipment and, above all, coordinated and extensive testing. Loosening means above all: testing, testing, testing, ”continued the CDU politician. There is still room for improvement here. Detecting infection chains with a voluntary app would be a step forward towards more freedom, Strob l explained.

Corona crisis in Baden-Württemberg: more than 27,000 checks at Easter

Update from April 13, 1:30 p.m .:

Many citizens adhere to the regulations! The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Interior has drawn a positive Easter balance with regard to compliance with the initial restrictions in the Corona crisis .

As in many other federal states, there had been massive police checks in Baden-Württemberg at Easter.


Karlsruhe: Gerald Lopp, first detective chief and duty group leader at the police station in the market square, shows Corona protective clothing on a patrol car.

© dpa / Uli Deck

From Good Friday to the morning of Easter Monday (as of 7 a.m.), the officials checked more than 4,000 vehicles and more than 27,000 people in Stuttgart, according to the Interior Ministry. Almost 2500 violations of the Infection Protection Act were found. About four out of five violations were due to larger groups that met in public spaces.

Update from April 12, 8:25 pm: In Stuttgart , a corona control by the police has apparently escalated completely. The Waiblingen district newspaper reports. According to this, a 33-year-old drunk attacked several police officers and tried to punch an official in the face.

The police then arrested the suspect. After his arrest, the man is said to have kicked two police officers against the shin and thighs on the patrol car and on the way to the police station.

According to the report, the police wanted to control a group of four on Saturday for alleged violations of the coronavirus regulation . The man is now facing several advertisements.

Corona in Baden-Württemberg: Winfried Kretschmann expects tough distribution struggles

Update from April 11, 2:52 p.m .: Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann expects tough distribution struggles in the aftermath of the Corona crisis.

"Let's not kid ourselves: This will be a tough debate about who bears the costs of the rescue package," said the Greens politician of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung . Ultimately, the entire population would pay for it: "Most people will be poorer after the Corona crisis."

Baden-Württemberg, for example, has a protective shield for five billion euros, and the amount has to be repaid within ten years. “That means: half a billion a year has to be saved elsewhere in the household. The money doesn't fall from the sky. "

Corona virus in Baden-Württemberg: Land changes Corona regulation

Update from April 10, 13:58 : Baden-Württemberg revised the Corona regulation before the Easter holidays. The changes take effect from Good Friday with immediate effect.

  • In the new amendments, prostitution is completely banned, so far the regulation has only regulated that brothels remain closed.
  • Sports marinas have to close.
  • A visit to the dentist is only allowed in acute or emergency cases.
  • The ban on entry in inpatient facilities for people with disabilities is relaxed if there is no reason to assume an increased risk of infection.
  • Mobile sales outlets for agricultural products may remain open.

The FDP is barricading about the change in dentist treatment. "As of today, the fourth ordinance of the state government actually means a ban on dentists in Baden-Württemberg," said FDP parliamentary group leader Hans-Ulrich Rülke on Good Friday. This massive and nationwide unique restriction was not coordinated with the State Dental Association.

We have again changed the legal regulation on infection protection measures against the spread of the #Coronavirus. The new regulations will apply from Friday, April 10, 2020. You can find an overview of the main changes on the website:

- Landesregierung BW (@RegierungBW) April 9, 2020

Ulm University Hospital discharges two French Covid 19 patients

Update of April 10, 12:36 pm : Two Covid-19 patients from the French Alsace treated in the Ulm University Clinic can return home. The health of the two men has improved significantly in the past few days, the clinic announced on Good Friday. Ventilation or treatment of the two men in the intensive care unit was no longer necessary.

Corona virus in Baden-Württemberg: Pandemic could affect diesel driving bans

First report from Thursday, April 9, 2020:

Stuttgart - The state of Baden-Wuerttemberg is the most affected by the Coronavirus * spread in Germany. As the German press agency announced on Thursday afternoon, more than 21,400 corona infections and at least 514 deaths as a result of Covid-19 have been confirmed there.

Corona virus: Baden-Württemberg has many corona deaths

Baden-Württemberg is only surpassed by Bavaria with more than 29,200 documented cases and at least 653 corona deaths. If one looks at the infection numbers, North Rhine-Westphalia is also ahead of Baden-Württemberg with more than 23,300 people infected with Covid 19. In terms of the number of deaths, however, NRW is in third place behind Baden-Württemberg with 445 deaths confirmed so far. The following also applies to all three federal states: The experts anticipate a high number of unreported cases .

The corona crisis in Baden-Württemberg could now also have an impact on an area that would initially not be associated with the pandemic . The state asked the Stuttgart Administrative Court to postpone possible diesel driving bans or traffic restrictions in the state capital.

In a letter, the court was asked to postpone a decision on the subject originally planned for April , the Ministry of Transport said on Thursday. The corona virus pandemic and lower levels of pollutants would justify "breathing space in air pollution control".

Corona virus could affect diesel driving bans

"The corona crisis requires rethinking and new priorities," the ministry said. Since the introduction of the contact restrictions * on main roads, car traffic has decreased by a third on weekdays and nitrogen dioxide measurements have also improved “by up to ten micrograms” . "Therefore, we asked the court to accept a postponement for the time of the contact restrictions." Subsequently, driving bans, "if necessary", could come into force promptly.

But Minister of Transport Winfried Hermann (Greens) wants to prevent this as far as possible and instead promised the Stuttgart “new measures appropriate to the situation, such as the release of car tracks for cycling . "Hardware retrofitting is also available and must now be used more," Hermann said.

By the way: You can find out what people in Stuttgart think about the government's corona measures in the video survey.

You can read the latest news on corona virus developments around the world in our news ticker. In the meantime, Pope Francis has also spoken about the Corona crisis - and made a surprise call on TV.

In the United States, Donald Trump could become the big winner in the corona crisis - even though his main advisor exposed him.

cia and pm with material from dpa and AFP

* and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.