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Corona: Söder suggests easing for Bavaria - "If the virologists give the green light"

4/14/2020, 5:34:19 PM

On Saturday evening, Prime Minister Markus Söder made his Easter speech on the situation in the coronavirus pandemic.

On Saturday evening, Prime Minister Markus Söder made his Easter speech on the situation in the coronavirus pandemic.

  • The Coronavirus * continues to occupy the Bavarian government around Markus Söder.
  • On Saturday (April 11, 6.55 p.m.), Bavaria's Prime Minister delivered his Easter address.
  • Here you will find our guide to reporting and the Corona News from Germany. You can also find current numbers of cases in Bavaria as a map. The following recommendations for corona protective measures are currently available.

Update from April 11, 6:04 pm: Prime Minister Markus Söder gives a speech at Easter on the Corona crisis : “Easter is the festival of resurrection and hope - but also of the family, the children and friendship. At Easter, nature blooms again and we want to enjoy the sun outdoors and carefree. "

But this time Easter is different than usual. Everyone is concerned, the future seems uncertain. “There are no joint services and no visits to grandma and grandpa. It was almost four weeks ago that I spoke to you about Corona for the first time. Four weeks that changed our lives. Nobody could have imagined this recently - nor did I. Corona is an invisible virus that visibly affects our lives, ”explains the Bavarian Prime Minister.

Söder gives hope: "We are slowly getting Corona under control"

The whole world is fighting against it. We in Bavaria too. But according to Söder, there is hope. “Our experts say: We are slowly getting Corona under control. The number of new infections flattens. For the first time there was even a day with more recoveries than new infections. It has to be observed whether this remains the case. But one thing is clear: our measures are working. ”Bavaria's strategy had been successful. “It was the right thing to act early and consistently. Bavaria has come through the crisis relatively well so far, although our proximity to Austria and Italy has affected us much more than other federal states. ”

Also read: Federal police in the back of the Ministry of Health: "For clarification ..." *

Söder's Easter address: "The Bavarian way prevented 50,000 more infections"

Söder says that, according to scientists, the Bavarian route prevented more than 50,000 infections. "Nevertheless, there are many deaths. Everyone hurts. Therefore: we are not over the mountain yet. We must continue to be careful and prudent. "

Of course it was a shame not to be able to spend the holidays with all the people who were important to us. “Nevertheless, protecting our health is a priority. I therefore ask you to be considerate and patient at Easter . Try to enjoy the holidays anyway. ”The Bavarian Prime Minister points out again that you can of course take a walk or read a book on a park bench. "But keep your distance and not in groups!"

Markus Söder believes that coronavirus has anchored belief more firmly

Easter is not canceled, it just has to be celebrated differently than usual. “Maybe we can now see how important our parents, grandparents and friends are to us. Maybe we shouldn't just think of them at Easter, but visit them all year round and take care of them. Let’s use the Internet this time or pick up the phone again and call relatives with whom we have had no contact for a long time. You're sure to be happy. "

Because of Corona there will be no services this year. The churches would have created digital offerings so that nobody would remain without the good news. “Maybe this time even more people will be watching on the internet or on TV. And maybe this will also result in a stronger anchoring of the faith, ” Söder speculates .

Söder: Coronavirus is "character test for our country"

Corona is a character test for our country. I think we've passed it so far. Cohesion has grown and many people are growing beyond themselves. We experience great engagement and charity every day. I am very impressed by all of this and I would like to thank you for that.

His special thanks go to the doctors, nurses in the hospitals and old people's and nursing homes, but also to the cashiers in the supermarket, the employees at the bus and train, and also the police officers, fire services and emergency services.

“But I also want to be honest: we have to be patient. I cannot promise that everything will normalize as quickly as some would like. Being honest also means saying what is difficult. ”

Coronavirus: Söder on easing measures after Easter: "We don't allow experiments"

Even after the Easter holidays, things will not just go on as before. “If you loosen too early, you risk a relapse. I ask for your understanding: we do not allow experiments with our health. As long as there is no vaccine or medication, we have to be careful. ”

How to proceed will be discussed: “We have an eye on all measures. We consider whether all the restrictions are still reasonable and proportionate. Of course we want more freedom and normality again - as quickly as possible - but also as safely as necessary. "

Söder: Gradual easing only after consultation with scientists

If the virologists and doctors give the green light, there may be gradual relief, but with care and caution. "There are areas where things can go faster, there are areas where it will definitely take longer," explains Söder.

“Until then, I ask you again: be patient. Patience saves lives. Impatience risks life. We want to continue to guide Bavaria carefully and safely through this difficult time. I am optimistic that we will get through well in the end. On behalf of the Bavarian State Government, I personally wish you a happy and blessed Easter! Take care of yourself and your loved ones and stay healthy. "

Markus Söder gives Easter speech about the Corona crisis - and reveals his own plans in advance

First report from April 11, 2020:

Munich - The corona virus continues to paralyze public life in Bavaria. Exit restrictions apply until April 19. Schools and day care centers are closed, restaurants are only allowed to offer food to take away. Gyms and cinemas will also remain closed. Walks in the fresh air are allowed, but only with the family or people from your own household. The police check whether the exit restrictions are complied with - around 7,000 checks were carried out in and around Munich at the weekend alone. * 289 violations were reported, of which 283 concerned the exit restriction.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Prime Minister Markus Söder addresses Easter

The Easter holidays are therefore probably different than in previous years. On Saturday evening (April 11th), Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder gave an Easter speech on the current situation in the corona pandemic.

Söder revealed his own plans for Easter in times of the corona crisis a few days ago in a conversation with the German Press Agency (dpa): “We are at home. I will go for a walk with the family, go out with the dog - but above all think carefully about what can happen after the Easter holidays. And of course I will treat myself to some nice films. Films that build you up and convey optimism. "

Corona virus in the Free State: decision on further school closings is approaching

After the Easter holidays, it will then be decided, among other things, how to proceed with the schools and daycare centers in the Free State. The Ministry of Culture still officially adheres to the line that all schools will reopen on April 20. Nobody believes in the fact that this really happens.

For the time being until April 19, exit restrictions apply in Bavaria to contain the coronavirus. Markus Söder asks for consideration, but there are always violations.

A study from the Netherlands has now shown that the prescribed minimum distance of 1.5 meters is not always sufficient when jogging.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

Rubric list picture: © AFP / SVEN HOPPE

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