The Limited Times

Coronavirus: 15,729 deaths in France, heaviest death toll in 24 hours with 762 deaths

4/14/2020, 5:37:24 PM

Jérôme Salomon, the director general of health, announced Tuesday that there had been in France, since March 1, 15,729 deaths in France, including 10,129 in hospitals and 5,600 in social and medico-social establishments.

Read also: LIVE - Coronavirus in France: 15,729 deaths in total, sixth day of decline in intensive care cases

France has passed the 100,000 case mark (103,573, or 5,497 more). Another 32,292 people are hospitalized for an infection with Covid-19 (1965 new admissions, balance of +179 patients).

In addition, there are still 6,730 patients in intensive care (275 new admissions, balance of -91 patients). "The decline in resuscitation needs is confirmed," said the DGS, announcing that there were 28,805 cured patients discharged from the hospital.

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