The Limited Times

Coronavirus: US, 1,509 more killed in 24 hours. Trump: 'It's up to me to reopen the country'

4/14/2020, 6:43:35 AM

New York exceeds 10 thousand total victims. US President: 'Close to a plan' (ANSA)

The United States reported another 1,509 coronavirus deaths in 24 hours yesterday, for a total of 23,529, according to the Johns Hopkins University count. The state of New York, the epicenter of the epidemic in the United States, has exceeded 10,000 victims for Covid-19.

" We are close to completing the plan to reopen the country, " said American President Donald Trump in the daily White House briefing on the coronavirus, specifying that a decision will be announced within days.

"No one who needed a respirator was left without," explained Trump.

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