The Limited Times

Sai Kung horror dog bites dog squirrel dog tragic death star trainer teaches three tricks to meet evil dogs to save dog life

4/14/2020, 9:04:07 AM

There was a dog bite tragedy in Saigon, and the squirrel dog was bitten to death by the lady dog. What should I do if the dog owner encounters a bad dog when releasing the dog? "Hong Kong 01" invited star dog trainers Eric Ko and Decky Li to adapt to the move.


Author: Hu Qiaoxin

2020-04-14 16:59

Last update date: 2020-04-14 16:59

Recently, a video of dog biting on a social platform has been mad, referring to a black lady dog ​​biting other dogs for no reason at the Saigon Lions Club, and later exporting biting squirrel dogs to peers, making the dogs present uproar. The dog owner tried to separate the two dogs to no avail, and eventually the squirrel dog was dying.

Dogs bite dogs occasionally happen, how should dog owners deal with such situations when releasing dogs? The star dog trainer Eric Ko teaches you three tricks to save your dog's life.

A dog bite tragedy happened in Saigon. (Screenshot of the movie)

The original post stated that when a dog friend released a dog in the Saigon Lions Club, his dog was attacked by a black lady dog, and several dog friends then condemned the middle-aged woman who raised the black lady. ►Mao kid has IG, come and follow us!

During the dispute, the puppet dog suddenly bite another squirrel dog who was travelling with her. The middle-aged woman hurriedly raised the dog's leash to try to stop the black puppies' attack. The squirrel dog was dying on the spot after being bitten by the neck and strangled by the leash, and was then taken away by the middle-aged woman. According to news, the squirrel dog was confirmed dead after being sent to the clinic, and the black lady dog ​​was subsequently destroyed humanely.

▾▾▾ Click on the picture to enlarge: Get a picture of how the dog bites the dog ▾▾▾




▾▾▾ Click on the video to enlarge: to understand how dogs bite on the day ▾▾▾

, Star dog trainer Eric Ko teaches 3 tricks to protect themselves. (Provided by the interviewee)

Pay attention to the opportunity when pulling rope

Dog bites occur frequently in dog parks. How should dog owners avoid such tragedies? Star dog trainer Eric Ko said in an interview with "Hong Kong 01" that dog bites are quite common. If a dog lacks a sense of security, has a strong sense of site, lacks social training, and even doesn't like each other, it will lead to dog bites. If the dog is in a state of stress and emotion, he will even bite the owner.

What happens if a dog bites a dog? Eric pointed out that the situation of each dog fight is different, it is difficult to generalize, but he recommends that the owner should separate the dogs under safe conditions: "You can shout loudly, even splash on the ground with water to distract their attention. And quickly pull them away. "Many dog ​​owners will try to pull the rope apart from the dogs when facing such situations. Eric reminded that you should pay attention to the timing when pulling the rope. You should pull the dog away immediately after the other party opens the mouth. Once the bite is pulled away, it will cause more serious injuries to the dog.

What if the other party is not good? Eric proposed three measures to protect himself:

1.) First of all, the owner can try to pull the dog behind him to block the other party's actions. Generally, pet dogs will stop when they encounter this situation.

2.) Secondly, under safe and feasible conditions, the dog can be picked up to avoid eye contact between the two dogs.

3.) Finally, the dog should always be kept on the leash, and pull the dog away if something goes wrong.

Eric told the dog owner to be calm in the face of dog fighting or any danger, so as to choose the most appropriate treatment method to avoid injury.

Star dog trainer Decky Li advises dog owners to teach dogs rules and etiquette from an early age. (Provided by the interviewee)

Learn to observe rules to reduce the situation of dog fights

Another dog trainer Decky Li also said in an interview with "Hong Kong 01" that dogs usually meet at the moment of electro-optical flint. In addition to pulling the dog and holding the dog, the dog owner can also try to use a rucksack and handbag to block the other. Offensive, so as to gain more time to open the distance between the two sides.

Finally, Decky reminded dogs that fighting can cause serious injuries and even kills them in a flash. Therefore, for their own sake, dog owners should teach dogs social etiquette and rules from an early age. Even if they play with familiar dogs, they must keep a certain distance and not pounce on each other. Through obedience training, let dogs learn to be calm and self-controlled to avoid accidents.

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▾▾▾On the same field: pet life in an epidemic situation▾▾▾

When the number of masks in the world is insufficient, an off-line sled dog regards the mask as a toy! The dog owner couldn't help but put his criminal evidence on facebook and complained to the dog friends. Unexpectedly, there were so many dog ​​owners who resonated, leaving messages saying, "Me too ..."

【New Coronary Pneumonia】 Global masks sleigh slept with only masks as toy dog ​​owners

▾▾▾ Click the picture to enlarge, see the silly look of sled dogs (with the resonance of netizens) ▾▾▾




The new type of pneumonia (commonly known as Wuhan pneumonia) has continued to tighten the supply of masks. This situation has also appeared in Taiwan. A few days ago, a dog owner released a photo of a black dog "full body equipment" ready to line up to buy a mask. A note was posted on his body. To: "I haven't bought half a mask."

【New Coronary Pneumonia】 Global masks sleigh slept with only masks as toy dog ​​owners

▾▾▾ Click the picture to enlarge: see the cute photos of the black dog Owen▾▾▾




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