The Limited Times

Six men leave the Münsingen municipal council

4/14/2020, 8:10:07 PM

The Münsingen municipal council is changing. Six men no longer competed in the local elections. There is no big farewell because of Corona.

The Münsingen municipal council is changing. Six men no longer competed in the local elections. There is no big farewell because of Corona.

Münsing - Six men voluntarily left the Münsingen municipal council. Ernst Ramerth and Anton Huber (both voters in Holzhausen), Ludwig Derleder and Christian Holzapfel (both in agreement Degerndorf) Heinz Schreiner (SPD) and Hans Schmid (voters in Münsing) no longer competed.

Ernst Ramerth, by far the longest serving councilor, wanted to pass on the baton to younger people at 63, after six candidacies and 25 years in the council (from 1984 to 1990 and since 2001), as he said in the assembly meeting. The engineer from Holzhausen was enriched for the council by his calm, factual manner and his enormous knowledge. If a debate went on and on, as the longest serving (but not the oldest) member, he often took the liberty of requesting a vote on the agenda item. Stefan Holzheu (38) is actually a younger Ramerths place.

Anton Huber sat next to Ramerth for twelve years. The car mechanic and Holzhauser fire brigade commander quits for professional reasons. Huber was an expert and adviser when it came to vehicles for the building yard or fire brigade.

The two farmers Christian Holzapfel and Ludwig Derleder from the Unity Degerndorf also gave professional reasons for leaving. Holzapfel has been a member of the municipal council since 2008. He was particularly committed to the care and maintenance of the Degerndorf pond and most recently for the construction of the local club house. Derleder, long-time commander of the Degerndorf fire brigade, leaves after six years, "because volunteering alongside work and family is simply too time-consuming," he says.

After twelve years, Johann Schmid could no longer be drawn up for the Münsing electoral group. Thanks to his part-time work as an undertaker at the church cemeteries in Münsing, the street keeper was able to provide the municipality with important information on the subject of capacities and access to the cemeteries. The "Mesma Hans" is also known as a stadium announcer for the ox race.

Heinz Schreiner moved up for the SPD in 2017 for Christoph Bühring-Uhle, who had moved out of Münsing. After the SPD branch had dissolved, Schreiner (65), head of the Ambach school camp, did not want to run on any other list this time, although he supported the citizens list in the election campaign. For the first time since 1996, the SPD has not provided a representative in the new council.

Mayor Michael Grasl would like to thank the municipal councilors for their commitment on a trip. If the Corona crisis had not come in between, they would have explored beautiful Franconia - with tours of the wine cellar and churches, hikes and a visit from a colleague of mayors in Iphofen, as well as typical dishes such as "Schäufela and Klöß". "We had a great program," says Grasl. But all municipalities in the district have canceled their final excursions, said the mayor's spokesman. valley