The Limited Times

Vaccines against the coronavirus "to be tested in Africa": the CSA warns LCI

4/14/2020, 2:34:13 PM

Two weeks ago, a controversy erupted after a discussion, on a plateau, between a doctor and a researcher, who suggested testing

The declaration had angered anti-racist associations and politicians. Two weeks ago, a doctor and a researcher exchanging on the set of the LCI chain, shocked the public by evoking the idea of ​​testing in Africa the BCG vaccine against the coronavirus. Statements which are worth to the chain, this Tuesday, a warning on the part of the Superior council of audio-visual (CSA).

"If I can be provocative, shouldn't we do this study in Africa, where there are no masks, no treatment, no resuscitation, a bit like it is done elsewhere on certain studies with AIDS, or among prostitutes: we try things because we know they are highly exposed, "said Jean-Paul Mira, head of resuscitation at Cochin Hospital, on April 1 , in Paris, in dialogue with Camille Locht, research director at Inserm.

🚨On LCI, concerning the track for a BCG vaccine against #COVID ー 19:

"If I can be provocative, shouldn't we do this study in Africa where there are no masks, no treatment, no resuscitation ... or among prostitutes who are highly exposed" slwwi45Y7K

- BalanceTonMedia (@BalanceTonMedia) April 2, 2020

" What do you think ? Asked the doctor to the researcher. "You are right," replied Professor Locht. "We are also thinking in parallel to a study in Africa with the same type of approach, that does not prevent that we can think in parallel to a study in Europe and Australia," added the professor.

“Abrupt and questionable” remarks

These statements had sparked an uproar on social networks. “It is inconceivable that we continue to accept this. Africa is not a laboratory. I strongly denounce these serious, racist and contemptuous remarks, ”protested the Franco-Ivorian footballer Didier Drogba on his Facebook page.

"It is not provocation, it is simply racism. Africa is not the laboratory of Europe. Africans are not rats! ", Had reacted the First secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure. Several associations, like SOS Racisme, had also contacted the CSA.

🔴 Press release from @CSAudiovisuel:

- CSA (@csaudiovisuel) April 14, 2020

In response, the Council judges these comments “abrupt and questionable”, and regrets “that no reaction or request for explanation” has been made on set. The body therefore considers that "this sequence reflected a lack of control of the antenna, as defined by the LCI convention". It also considers that the subject concerned "had not been treated with sufficient rigor".

TF1 "takes note"

"The Council therefore strongly warns the LCI chain against the renewal of such facts", continues the press release. This "warning", however, does not constitute a formal sanction.

For its part, the TF1 group, owner of the 24-hour news channel, contacted by Le Parisien, said "to take note of the CSA's decision but not to comment on it".

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The CSA also took advantage of this press release to recall the “eminent responsibility” of the media in times of health crisis. A responsibility, which, according to the Council, requires "constant vigilance in the face of significant risks of misinformation and particular rigor in the presentation and processing of information, including in visual illustrations".

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