The Limited Times

VIDEO. Carers "fear second epidemic wave" after confinement

4/14/2020, 6:52:13 PM

A nurse and a medical extern deliver their concerns after Emmanuel Macron's announcements. Already destitute, they fear being s

"Who says deconfinement, says potentially a new epidemic wave," worries Emylie Lentzner, medical extern, assigned to the Covid unit at the Parisian hospital Lariboisière. This caregiver is not the only one to fear a resurgence of the Covid-19 epidemic after the gradual lifting of containment measures from May 11.

Especially to the specter of a massive increase in patients, there are still significant shortages of equipment and personnel: "The question is how we will be prepared for this second wave" , continues Emylie Lentzner, " And there was no particular response to this in the president's speech. ”

"For the moment in the field, (...) I still have FFP2 masks that have expired since 2001" , also regrets Benjamin Berthet, resuscitation nurse at Lyon Sud hospital and CGT delegate.

As preparations for the continuation of the epidemic, he has just received by email a tutorial "to make overcoats with trash bags".