The Limited Times

Meat consumption will hardly decrease in 2019

4/15/2020, 7:34:19 PM

Bonn (dpa) - Although climate protection was one of the top issues in 2019, people in Germany hardly ate less meat than before.

Bonn (dpa) - Although climate protection was one of the top issues in 2019, people in Germany hardly ate less meat than before.

At 59.5 kilograms per capita, consumption was only 600 grams below the average consumption in the previous year, as the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food announced on Wednesday. Since the breeding of farm animals emits many harmful greenhouse gases in the production of meat, some consumers forego meat in whole or in part in favor of the climate.

Despite the great attention paid to the topic of climate change and the high level of support for the Fridays for Future demonstrations, meat consumption in Germany remains at a high level. In poultry, consumption remained constant at 13.8 kg per head, in pork it fell slightly from just under 36 to a good 34 kg.