The Limited Times

National Union: the opposition remains on its guard

4/15/2020, 7:13:13 PM

Several political figures of all stripes expressed their criticisms vis-à-vis the project of national union of the president of the Republic.

The outstretched hand of the President of the Republic leaves the opposition doubtful. “When you're a chef, you always want everyone to be with you, especially in times of crisis. But national union cannot be decreed by ordinance. It shows more than it is created, " judges former Minister Eric Woerth. He prefers "to practice national unity" by "keeping a freedom of speech and questioning" but recalls that LR voted in favor of the emergency law.

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Wednesday the LR strategic council raised the subject. "It is not at the moment when Emmanuel Macron pronounces the funeral speech of macronism that we are going to accept to support the one who is primarily responsible for the causes which aggravated the health crisis" , says Guillaume Peltier, the number two of the party. And yet ... Others make other music heard. The deputy Guillaume Larrivé signed Saturday a tribune in L'Opinion entitled "Against the civil war, for the national union". "National unity cannot

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