The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Conserve Italia, donation for Food bank

4/16/2020, 5:22:08 PM

said the director of Conserve Italia, Pier Paolo Rosetti - these are values ​​that are part of our cooperative DNA, every year we donate hundreds of tons of products both to the Food Bank and to the various Solidarity Emporiums present near our ... © ANSA


About 143,000 food items including tomato cans, legume jars and fruit juice brik, equal to over 52 tons of food and drink for poor families.
   It is the extraordinary donation made by Conserve Italia to the Food Bank of Emilia-Romagna Foundation, which habitually supplies 770 charity and assistance structures throughout the region, reaching 120,000 people in need.
    The products were delivered to the Pomposa plant in Codigoro (Fe), where the cooperative group of the brands Valfrutta, Cirio, Yoga, Derby Blue and Jolly Colombani produces canned tomatoes, vegetables and canned fruit.
    "Solidarity and mutuality - said the director of ConserveItalia, Pier Paolo Rosetti - are values ​​that are part of our cooperative DNA, every year we donate hundreds of tons of products both to the Food Bank and to the various Solidarity Emporiums present in the vicinity of our establishments, as well as to voluntary associations, Caritas, parishes and non-profit organizations ".
    "In this particular and dramatic situation - says Stefano Dalmonte, president of the Banco AlimentareEmilia Romagna Foundation, we have continued our daily recovery and distribution activities, also making ourselves available to the institutions to make our contribution. In this period, we have received many requests from people who previously they didn't need food support. " (HANDLE).